[VC] Merging guilds

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Bridget Griffiths-Shaw, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Hi, its just a thought, but heres an idea....as some of us are struggling to get a full guild together ..what about merging guilds ? so like if two guilds wished to merge they could hold 40 members instead of 25 ? thanks Bridget :)
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Will hold off voting on this.Idea does seem rather nice,but this would screw up the gp system I would think.
  3. alka

    alka Banned

    I would prefer to see Factions of 100+. That would make it easier for Factions to merge.
    As for GP's, I get just as many from not being in a Faction, and if yer Factions not full you ain't gonna win the easiest compo on the Net.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Personally it wouldnt affect me either way. I dont see a reason to have a "merge" option if u simply increase guild capacity. With that said....I do see some potential problems. First with guild wars, there is already very few warring guilds, increasing guild capacity would most likely make it even fewer, which would lead to fewer bounties.

    With gamer points I can see both pros n cons. I think it would be less likely to have ties (depending on how much they increased capacity), relieving some of the time zone issues that have been brought up in the past. I also think that alt guilds would have less chance of success (once again dependent on the increase in capacity).

    On the negative side ....With a larger guild I think u would see more of what many deem as bullying or gang like tactics. It might actually lead to less battling and rivals dependent on the increased capacity as well.

    Like I said....It doesnt really matter to me either way, just figured I'de toss out a few things to chew on.
  5. Thanks for the replys guys ...and i dont know how many monthly players are on viking clan ...but i still think, 40 members would not be called bullying ..because other guilds could merge together also .....and yes ...the daily gps could be a problem, there is still the time in which people get there gps in the quickest though :)
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Merging of guilds has not been brought up to my knowledge before. But i do know from reading a lot of forum posts since the forums were first started there was a thread at one time asking to increase it to 50 and it was shot down. But since i am not in a guild nor armada faction whatever i will hold off on voting. I wish you luck.
  7. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    Reply to Bridget.......

    Hi sweetheart :)
    I see a few issues with this,
    i was approached in the past to merge when i didn't have a solid 25 by someone who had the same issue, the problem we had was,
    which guild name stayed,
    who was going to be the leader n officers, :eek:
    if it didnt work out, which players recruited afterwards would stay or go, :confused:
    but increase the number, its hard enough to get 25 solid ppl never mind 40, same issue but with more ppl, thats why some guilds/armadas have numbers next to them, b/c they have 1-2-3 etc. in there fold and only a few of them can pull it off successfully. But the dram from 25 is more than enough for me, managing more ppl means more drama. Mafia wars has 100 in a family, i dont even know who half my crew is in there and there is zero communication among the members. But i would be open to see if someone could address those issues successfully
  8. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    100 i think is to high for VC n PC, it would eat up half the guilds right now
  9. baha

    baha Member

    A solution to the GP problem and would also give the leader a new job... They would have to be there (or an officer) to pick the top 25 per day to represent the crew. In other words if half the members may be one side of the pond and are always on later the CREW is still in the running IF the Leaders are actually in it for their teammates too~!! Just a Thought
  10. Thanks for all the replys to this ! and yeah that could be a good idea baha :)
  11. kennycjr

    kennycjr Member

    far as i know kano is the only gaming company to limit guilds and such to merely 25 members, most games start out with at least 50, and an option for the guild as a whole to buy the ability to have more members.
  12. Kano aren't unique in limiting Guilds/Alliances etc. Most of the games I play have some forms of limitation.

    I agree that 25 is a little bit of a smaller number, it would be great if you could merge them all or increase the numbers, then all people could be under the same roof and help each other out, instead of being disabled by FB for sending too many Friend requests or being social on a networking site lol.

    10 From me :)
  13. Maler

    Maler Member

    10 stars here :)

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