Healing bot and KANO

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Bob Sciarrone, Jun 11, 2012.

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  1. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    With all due respect, there is a player using an auto healing bot. Yes, i know, complain. No thanks, the results are useless.

    However, it's nice to know that while this one is on the hit list, he can go and eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, go out, or watch a movie.

    He is affecting my game play when I go for bounties. If I hit him by mistake, I get pounded for 24 hours, so I just walk away for 1 and a half hours.

    I find this more and more difficult to play this game and many, many people have complained about him. Oh, yes, he does spend vasts amount of money on this game having 6 other accounts (that I know of) and pays the workers of KANO their salaries.

    However, fair is fair (or is it) and you do know who I am talking about.

    Interrupting my game play is unfair to me and others.


    Respectfully submitted.

    Please don't tell me to go to support. I don't even get the common decency of a response.
  2. With all due respect, I'm not sure what you are looking for. Do you want a developer to ban this account for its actions? If so then you have to email support with the details, and any proof if you have it so it can be investigated.

    The simple fact is the Developer's won't know who you are talking about and neither do I, hence the reason to make them aware via support, as much as you don't like this it is necessary.

    Coming to the forums asking for action to be taken on an account you think is cheating isn't the way to go about it, it needs to be brought up with Support so they can look into it and keep you informed of their actions regarding the account in question.

    I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for, but it's the only answer that can be given in situations like this.
  3. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    Dylan, please. Not to be disrespectful but spare me. There are 4 players higher then him with a combined total of 6000 attacks plus all the lower accounts going after the bounty and not one can kill him.

    Do I think he's cheating? Please......

    Moreover, when there is a complaint made or comments, all of a sudden, POOF, he dies. Not before mind you. Not only is he cheating but getting the inside info he needs to turn it off.

    I believe I am pretty much educated to figure that 2 + 2 = 4.

  4. I can understand your frustration, I would feel the same way.

    There's two options, you can either pass the information to me in a private message, and I'll relay them onto the Developers or you can pass the information onto Support yourself.

    Either way I can't guarantee any action will be taken, but if there is enough proof (And there seems to be) then action is likely to be taken, I can't really offer you anything else as there's nothing else I can do.

  5. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    anyhoo, nothing will be done but I hear that Venting is good......
  6. Venting is good... sometimes anyways :D
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    In case you're not aware,after so many heals,a math equation pops up.Are you saying the bot is programmed to answer it?I think not.

    WHELER Banned

    actualy when the auto heal glitch use to be available, i could heal on the hitlist for hrs & no math problem question would come up......

    but i do understand Bob Sciarrone frustration... how is it fair that a person uses a heal bot, & takes away ppls chances of getting a bounty without using vast amounts of stamina. also ppl use them so they can autoheal while a friend/fellow mobbie attacks to power lvl

    sorry dude, i'd say use screen recorder to capture ppls actions, but that doesn't work!, the developers are more interested in going after ppls alt account that violate myspace/facebook terms, then going after scrip(includes hot keys)/bot users that violate there own terms.
  9. Tommy McElroy

    Tommy McElroy New Member

    How about making it a fair game. Take the heal option away while you are on the hitlist. Changing it to 12 hrs rival window and changing it so you cannot be in the hossy or dead to help with any challenges or jobs. Some folks will sit and try to collect challenges and jobs but never heal. How about a life line bonus? Something we can exchange to heal someone that all they do is hide.
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    1. Support aims to have a 24-48 hr response time. Every email we receive is responded to, could be that your email was never received.
    2. Last email we received from you was April 19th (assuming you only have one email address)
    3. Per our policy we do not follow-up with details on actions taken on reported users

    As per our forum policy any posts pertaining to cheating / bots will be closed and/or removed, the proper channel to pursue is through support.
  11. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    That is a false statement, both are violations of terms and equally dealt with.
  12. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Sounds like an idea: http://forums.kanoapps.com/forumdisplay.php?101-Ideas

    But be prepared giving players the ability to heal other players is going to be a contentious topic.
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