[ZS] New Vancouver Co-op Boss: Lumberjack

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, May 23, 2012.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    The Lumberjack clear-cuts slayers like a swath of forest. Most slayers who venture into the dark woods surrounding Vancouver never return. We shudder to think of their final, horrifying vision: an axe smeared with blood and a beard matted with gore. If a slayer falls in the forest, and there’s nobody around to save them, do they stand a chance? No.


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  2. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    New boss is nice and all but under rewards it looks messed up. The boss helper kill reward is a 230 attack destructive and the min damage reward is a 250 attack destructive while the gear and vehicle are listed under random rewards? Is this an error shown on the reward tab or is it supposed to be like that?
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Good observation but this is as it was intended. The reward structure is certainly different than our other bosses but our game designer has intentionally set up the rewards like this. So please feel free to discuss this change in this thread but it is not a glitch/bug.
  4. Don't like it...
  5. Rudl Popudl

    Rudl Popudl Member

    This is no good...
    +1 (own bosses) / +2 (boss-help) destructives per bossfight carry absolutely no weight.
    Allthough there is not really any harm done here (boss gear, weapons or vehicles are of comparable usefulness) - why do you guys always wanna be creative and mix up things in areas that dont need any fixing?
  6. slave

    slave Member

    cuz they can.....just saying....
  7. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    12 lumberjack rewards collected so far and the results are: 12 cork boots, 0 claw cranes. Are we sure the random rewards are working correctly? Is anyone seeing a similar pattern here? Also I prefer the old reward style better.
  8. Rudl Popudl

    Rudl Popudl Member

    29/29 Cork Boots here - there is definitely something wrong...
  9. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    21/21 cork boots for me now 0 claw cranes still I havn't seen a single person get a claw crane yet..
  10. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    He's pretty awesome looking. Just don't like the fact, that the drops are just destructives!...shame.
  11. Whoever does the artwork actually needs a medal, it's awesome! I'll get around to playing ZS more one day :)
  12. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    It completely agrees, I do not see that there would be an award though 30 %
  13. Mr. Orange

    Mr. Orange New Member

    As much as I hate the death deal I hate this even more. The random generator isn't random......the selections seem pre-determined. Go back to minimum boss damage for reward
  14. Nothing wrong with the random rewards, except that they're not dropping. The percentage must be ridiculously low. The last time a boss dropped nice random rewards as I recall was the China boss who dropped those nice basketballs. Those basketballs filled out my weapon slots quite well when I was a lower level. So it's pretty nice. So long as they drop.
  15. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    +1. useless boss
  16. It would be nice if the rewards actually dropped. I've done millions to multiple bosses and I haven't received even one drop. Perhaps you could look into the drop rate. Because this is just stupid.
  17. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I have 28 cork boots now still 0 claw cranes. I've joined dozens of bosses over a 3 week period. Kano ever gonna address cranes not dropping at all?
  18. alka

    alka Banned

    I notice in Inventory they don't show even when you use filters.
    Not sure why you'd want them @ 85 75, though
  19. Rudl Popudl

    Rudl Popudl Member

    Any claw cranes dropped yet? Still waiting for my first one after more than 300 lumberjacks killed...

    Btw, I am so happy that you guys at KANO didnot listen to us and continued to feature the (obviously not working correctly) random boss rewards - WTG, NOT.
  20. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Same for me hundreds of lumberjacks killed and no claw cranes. Not everyone is full UN so the claw cranes would have slightly improved my def (that and I just like to collect). Given that the new single mountaineer boss is a random reward drop boss too it gives me little hope that anything will drop for the helpers either. First boss I looked back on I saw nobody but boss owner got a drop reward. So thanks for completely ignoring the bug for weeks now kano..

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