What exactly constitutes bullying?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    Not strictly true though, is it. Anyone, of any level can bookmark a player and continue to do whatever pleases them. And believe me, there are some damned weird people play these games and DO bookmark and continue to spoil. High level makes no difference to a low level weirdo :D
  2. David Stroud

    David Stroud Member

    There is an Armada on Facebook have a group and posted links of an enemy armada and their players for the game of Pirate Clan. I do not think it is right because it listed low level players which opened them up to attacks from a high level players. The problem like I posted about my problem is that that the leaders may have a problem with the leaders of the other, but the players that are not angry with each other armadas and are clanned should be off limits because of a stupid disagreement.
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I believe it was Kendall that had stated that bookmarking is not against the rules at all.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    even if it were , some people are gonna do it, they always do in a fighting game, besides it would be hard , I imagine, to enforce it if it were against the rules.
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    How can you actually "enforce" against bookmarking?Seems impossible.Anyone that has even a limited amount of computer knowledge can bookmark links with ease,even if the big link on the profile becomes where you can't copy/paste.Anyone with limited knowledge of how computers work can still get the link.
    Last edited: May 27, 2012
  6. I get a laugh out of the extremes some will go to on these games. U think there was a "real" monetary gain or something....
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Yeah really lol , trying to enforce it would be nuts
  8. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    This is bullying -
    Level Raider Pirate
    - s has just been placed on the Bounty list by ******* Level Rogue Pirat
    -s has just been placed on the Bounty list by ****** Level Raj Pirate (3 times)
    -s is being Pistol Whipped by ***** Clan Level Rogue Pirate

    I didn't put the hole name of the Pirates but who ever does that to a low level is to weak to fight his own size or to poor to list someone on his own level.This is also ironic and funny that they feel so threatend of a low level pirate lol
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Must disagree.It could have been caused by multiple reasons.Could of messed with clan.Could of instigated.Anything is possible.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    haha yeah if I go after someone it is cause they did something to deserve it lol Level 3413 and certainly not threatened , just teaching them what they should not be doing to get themselves into that situation :) for example I cannot attack him unless he initiates and guess what he did

    Attacks from: 8 attacks,3 pistol whips in 22 hours Last attacked: 5 hours ago
    Attacks against: 20 attacks,1 bounty attack,6 pistol whips in 2 days Last attacked: 5 hours ago
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    also for the record, names or levels are not permitted in the forum :)
  12. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    To make my point i put the levels to see the big diffrence.not the names to get some hate reply lol . And for some players listing low levels is just the way they see fun , is hard to atack them so why not pistol or list them.
  13. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    It was no atack back just i saw him in a hour on hit list few times and wonder all very high levels. To teach them a lesson ?? lol you forget yourself you were a low level.I use to be high enough on hi5 and never list low levels just for the fun of it or take any drastics mesure against low level who try to make a buck atacking at bounty.I pick always to fight with players equal or stronger to see how better or strong i am , to waste stamina on low level players is just lame.But everyone is playing the game his own way and i am not gonna comment more about that.If that makes you happy ...hell why not go for it!
  14. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    that is correct we all play our own game if some one winds up on my rival list for any reason they are there for 24 hours,and if they are a low level and continue to attack well ces't la vie, and yet he still continues to attack me and a few others, guess he likes a beat down , I have killed him 3 or 4 times and each time he would have been safe from any further attacks, but he keeps coming back:)
  15. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Honestly,if Kano does make an adjustment where highers can't go after the lowers,it'll be world war 3 here and in support.
  16. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    People will get over it. Since the beginning people have said if Kano make suchandsuch change they will walk away from Kano games and never come back. Pretty much all of them keep on playing.
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    All I said was it would be world war 3.
  18. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    Linda what goes around comes around, when i was small level on hi5 and few use to bully me there i get back at them all, i grew up strong and pay them back with interest :)))) this is what you get when you bully low level :p
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    So why exactly is my comment "absolute arrogance"?

    Based on my experience my statement is both glaringly obvious and true. I have had accounts of diff levels in all Kanos games and on diff platforms. In Kanos most popular game Ive taken both my accounts from level 1 to the #1 account in the game, as far as i Know....Im the only player that has ever done this (legally anyways). does it make me arrogant simply because I have more experience at ALL levels than most if not all other players?

    What is arrogant is a low to mid level player who has never been a high level player to make assumptions or comments that they state as being true about how the game is or should be when they havent the experience to base it on. Even the highest of levels that have played from the beginning lose a bit of what its like at lower levels as the the games have changed over time. Once again....that puts me in a pretty exclusive club....Ive seen/experienced how the vast majority of changes have affected the games and its players at all levels. It is much easier to advance in the games today than it ever was yet there is many more players crying "bully", do u see the correlation? What Kano has done by dumbing things down for players has actually made the problem worse. The majority of players at the higher levels have been around the longest and played the games at a time when things were much tougher, a large segment of the newer player population simply dont have what it takes to compete with these players because they have been coddled from the get go, rather than then whine and cry that someone is bullying them...they need to just work through it like all those that came before them. You will be hard pressed to find sympathy from the higher level players when they went through all the same and worse. Perhaps instead whining and asking for more protection and ways of making thins easier...these players should just be heeding the advice of those that have already gone through it. Sure...at times it may come across as a bit arrogant....but is it? Maybe just maybe its because the higher levels get tired of coming up here and offering help only to hear that they are arrogant bullies. Ive said numerous times before....If many of the players here had actually played at the higher levels both before and after most of the changes.....most of them would be singing a completely diff tune, but like I said....most will never get that opportunity because the simply dont have the mind set or drive to get to those levels, as brutal as u think it is at the lower levels....its gets much worse at the uppers. What makes u think if u cant hack it at the lower levers that u will be able to at the higher levels? Talk about arrogance with a slice of can u do for me what u didnt do for others.
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ya know what bittersweet, if this friend of yours stays away from higher levels he will have no problems, now will he, if he shows up on their rival list he is looking to fight, otherwise why would he show up there, and everyone is attacked by someone stronger , there is always gonna be someone stronger, but to continue put himself in harms way and not learn from a game mistake is , (without being nasty), so you can fill in the blanks............. tell him to read the all the info on how the game works , why not mentor him if you are so concerned . BTW I see him going after even higher level players than me, so what does that tell you

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