can you answer this question?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by erm.......maybe, May 21, 2012.

  1. erm.......maybe

    erm.......maybe New Member

    How is it possible for a level 651 player to bounty kill a player at at level 2600?

    This player has 11,000 fight kills and played half the amount of time.

    Im level 2500+ and have 1000 kills, and I work hard at the game and pretty strong.

    I know some people spend all hours on the game but it still seems strange to me, is there some cheating going on, or has this person put money into the game lol.

    Ive seen this happen regularly in other games aswell.

  2. It all depends on how this user has set up his/her game, if it is an account with a large amount of stamina, then you could essentially level all day long until you reach the attack limit of 5,000 (If he or she uses a level partner).

    The most likely explanation is that this user has spent money on the game to get where they are at now, as there's nothing strange or different about this case, people's gaming budgets are different and they may have a very large one :)
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Are you asking how they spend money to put a player on a bounty board. If so its like Dylan said. If your asking how does a level 650 take down a level 2600 on a board last hit counts as the kill so if they attacked you and lost but still drained your health they get the win.. Always look at there date of playing to. Some players just come back to buy properties and keep increasing there properties for more income and a higher price for someone to bounty them.
  4. erm.......maybe

    erm.......maybe New Member

    I think its down to money, unfortunately not everyone has a bottomless pit :(
    This player has 40,000 battle wins, I placed the bounty of over 4 trillion.
    Also I know if your health is low enough, a lower level can still nip in and get the bounty, even if he loses the battle.
    He seems to be very strong for his level.
  5. erm.......maybe

    erm.......maybe New Member

    "people's gaming budgets are different and they may have a very large one"

    agreed, too large lol ;):(
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If they had bought weapons that would have helped them, but a lot of people go high attack and health, early on these days.

    Sometimes you can do all the work and kill the bounty and other times you can be fighting for it like everyone else and just happen to be the one who gets the kill attack in.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    the numbers are not overly impressive and can be done easily for free n honestly in just a few days
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Look at the losses also, if they are close that means a player is using a leveling partner, which is a controlled safe activity, but anyone no matter their level or where their stats are can get the bounty , it is the luck of that last click .
  9. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    What is a level partner?
  10. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Definition of a level partner is this:
    You find someone in your clan that is roughly your level and roughly the same number of captains.You ask them if they would like to declan and go level for level with you.You will need to have a way to keep in contact so they know when you're ready.If one of you is stronger,but not by much,the stronger player will have to make some adjustments.Whether it's disabling the guard and/or adjusting personal loadout.Usually,that's all that would have to be adjusted if it's fairly close.Remember,the closer the damage is to a tie,the better the exp.Don't be afraid if you lose a few hits against your level partner as they should be losing a few against you.If they don't,then still don't worry too much as you will still be climbing the levels with them.The maximum amount of hits against a player in 22 hours is 5000.
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I might add ""in my humble opinion"" it is a real lame way to play the game, as it is a controlled way of playing, I see no challenge other than the time it takes to do it, it is a fighting game, meaning fight people off your battle list not your best friend :)
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Level partner is the cheapest way to level,but boss leveling,if done right,will make you stronger.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Yes I agree, that doing bosses is a key element for strength

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