Im sure this is posted somewhere else but with seeing low level players complaining about it in the world feed, maybe its time to be reminded again. For those who don't want to get attacked by people a 1000 levels or what ever level it seems to be then, if a high level punches you DON'T punch or attack them back. If your answering a punch request sometimes its safer to click the players link first to see who or what level they are, now if you don't care then click away. But if you complain in the world feed that your getting attacked over and over will open you up for more people to try, accusing them or the faction of being bullies or generally slagging them off will bring down more attention to yourself.WE have all been down this road and it happens just try to remember one thing. THIS IS ONLY A GAME NOT REAL LIFE......... All this being said if you like to give as good as you get then enjoy it, heal and give as good back or build your slayer up and have a go back when you think your a stronger player.You have squad mates who can help you, use them if they are higher and they are willing to help.All you have to do is ask for help im sure someone will. Also to all players over level 300.If you wind up higher levels,but think just because you don't punch or attack them you will be safe, then your wrong as you can be listed over and over by higher levels who WILL have the money to list you several times.Goading them to list you over and over to raise your bounty will only keep your bounty price at a high level untill your last listing and you haven't been listed for 24hrs since.(if im wrong im sure someone will correct me lol). And also try to remember foul language or real threats on world feed will more than likely get you muted or banned from posting in there, and that will you your own fault nobody else's. many thanks Muppet killer
I'm pretty much an advocate lower levels these days but there is no such thing as "bullying" when bounty hunting and that goes for any level. It's not like the old days Muppet, when high levels punched lower levels and the lower levels turn round and jobbed em lol I miss the old days :/
hey Lana, i know but past few days ive seen people on world chat, thought id try help post this so they know why they get attacked instead of them screaming bullies all the time. Old days were fun unless it was YOU....BULLYING ME lmao
Me a bully? Noobies need to harden up. Getting smacked one cause you went for a bounty is nothing. Foul language is never ok. All your doing is showing whoever that their getting to you, and then you get banned.
Very good advice. I usually tend to laugh at the remarks in the wc but sometimes the attacks do feel personal and it becomes difficult to just ignore them. Unfortunately for me, today was one of those days. I rarely make comments because I know people will just go after a person because he/she is there. *sigh* So I suppose today is my turn, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.... I feel bad about the comments I posted because I should not have judged another player (and I said some terrible things, though I didn't curse or make threats), but I can't retract it nor make amends so I guess I'll just have to put up with a ton of dying for awhile and hope the next time someone decides to bring their war to my door, I handle it better. Today just wasn't a good day for me and I reacted poorly. :/ I do agree with what you say, Muppetkiller. Very well-spoken. =) Kathi
no worries Kathi ive seen alot of it on world feed recently thats what made me come and post on here ill inbox you in the game.Tomorrows another day and trust me something else will happen or someone will post something alot worse ...chin up
zombies are dead ; if you are a dead zombie, you are playing a good game. Zombies don't cry. I like bad language, its funny but not bad taste.