[ZS] Zombie Slayer Quarterly Newsletter #1 Discussion

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, May 1, 2012.

  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Welcome to the Zombie Slayer first quarterly email! Discuss any topics or questions you have from the email here! :)
    Last edited: May 2, 2012
  2. AnnT

    AnnT New Member

    My little myspace character got it today in email. so can't get the boost. My FB hasn't gotten the email. I thought I had set it up for FB as well. but....

    No questions about anything. Looked good, was legible. Good way to keep in touch with ppl who might not read all the "what's happening" items.
  3. slave

    slave Member

    disappointing to see you treated your "refills" in the newsletter differently than you treat them in the game, my refill was not much because i had just leveled up....i wish it was the same as in game refills than it wouldnt have been so limiting.

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    thanks for the boost and free item.. looking forward for more free gift in the future XD
  5. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Hi slave, this was a bug that has since been resolved. Did you receive the full quantity of a boost? If not, please contact support@kanoapps.com :)
  6. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Thank you for the free item and the refill, however it would have been nice if the eligibility date was clear when the email was sent. The expiration date was May 3, and I was sent the newsletter at 12am EST on May 4. When I emailed Kano about this, I received the reply that the timing was correct and it was to expire May 3 at midnight PST, which is just a three hour window. This was untrue as friends of mine used their boosts yesterday on May 6. This isn't the first time that there has been some confusion on the dating and timing of events, like calendars, in which there is usually some kind of dating issue when published. Why does this keep happening? It should not be that difficult to consult a calendar when planning these events.
  7. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    I am uncertain why this occurred, my apologies for the inconvenience and confusion. We will be looking to resolve it in future newsletters. This was our first, naturally there may be some kinks in the process :)
  8. slave

    slave Member

    Thanks Deltan, i have contacted support now and am awaiting word.
  9. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    why didnt i get it. i checked my email but never got it??
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Can you follow-up with support by sending them your player id and social network so we can look into it?
  11. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    i did send them everything
  12. Odd, I know you have my e-mail, but I have yet to receive the newsletter.
  13. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    I never received my Chain Gun from email. I had to get a link from a friend... - _ -
  14. The ZS newsletter was pushed out on or around the 05/02/2012 and the free gift and bonus have now expired, however if you are subscribed and haven't been sent the email you may still be able to claim it, please email support and have them look into it :)


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