to repile to my freind this is why this would help stop bank alt is becuase a bank alt sole purpose is to tranfer gold to its owner and keep him from dieing and inflicting death on an enemy if counter attack counts when your attacked on hit list this might help retard the offender of that abuse he might lose more swaps the bank alt example the whole trio in kill guild would be slowed down from blatant alt use more bounty traps make it harder for cheaters to cheat every one should be for this but their are 2 people that dont want this you can find them in this thread no name but one is very redundant

QUOTE=Das liebe Beil;60339]I do agree that Bank Alts are a serious issue and anything that helps stopping them is a good thing.
I personally mostly trap people where I'm too lazy to safe the link elsewhere or people who used to list me in the past.
Increasing the number of bounty traps would allow me to save more people's links this way. Most players don't want to pay for me anyway.
I don't think that a Bank Alt will be deterred by eating a bounty trap, though. By their very definition they exist solely to pump money into a bigger account, no matter their own stats. And a Bank Alt with well developed buildings can make a lot of money by Level 1000.
709.364.888.000 - That's the amount of coins I get from my buildings up to Muspell. Helheim and beyond are not part of these numbers. So, basically, a bank alt sitting at level 1000 can list pretty much anyone and then go offline for a while and let money pile up again so the game can start again.
Increasing the number of traps is nice to save more links that way, but actively playing more than 50 accounts? That's almost impossible. Bank Alts on the other hand don't need much time each day, as their only feature is to generate more and more money and then to transfer the money to the main.
I don't think increasing the number of bounty traps will stop bank alts, it will merely make it easier to keep track of some people.
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