Little Richard World Boss

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by StennyGuts, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    I was thinking to myself that it would be so much more worth while if there were a Little Richard World Boss over the pop start World Boss (Justin Bieber). I know it's cool to be like, "Dude, i just killed Justin Bieber", but everyone looks great zombified in my eyes :D If anything, Justin Bieber got cool points for being a zombie in Zombie Slayer.
  2. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    Little Richard is cool. I'd rather kick the living (I mean undead) crap out of The Backstreet Boys. :p
  3. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    Ahahaha! I can totally see that happening
    :) I love Little Richard, don't get me wrong! I'd just rather see his cool self zombified on my screen rather than someone like Justin Bieber :\
  4. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    I hear ya. lol. Alice Cooper as a zombie would be cool too. Wait...he's already a zombie. :p
  5. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    I wonder if on here, Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie would look similar, hahaha >.<
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Justin Bieber is Canadian. Kano/Apps is Canadian. Kano probably felt giving people the chance to kill JB would make people forgive Canada for producing such a travesty in the first place.
  7. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    Haha! I never thought about that one

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