[PC] Kano Hack Day... TGIF... lite edition!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Greets Players,
    Happy Friday the 13th! While we've been very busy this week at KANO, game changes and updates are light this week. Read on for more about hack day, thoughts from our game designer and game updates!

    Hack Day!
    Today marks the first KANO/APPS Hack Day! We've stocked up on sugar and caffeine, split into teams and we're working furiously on our prototypes. Some of us are slaying mobile, some are tinkering with HTML5, and some are working on modern throwbacks with innovative board games! But we're all experimenting and having a blast doing it. The office is abuzz with ideas and activity, but we thought we'd drop in here to let you know what we're up to. Stay tuned for more updates via our Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/kanoapps

    Musings and Notes from our Game Designer Damon this week
    Battle Arena – We got a lot of feedback on the battle arena. We are now at a point where we are going to kick off development of it. I created some simulations in spreadsheets fighting different level players against one another. I had fun fighting some level 10,000’s against level 1,000’s. In my paper model a level 1000 dies in 600 attacks but takes over 50,000 attacks to kill the level 10,000. The level 1,000 who’s stats I used were Scott’s one of the programmers here at KANO/APPS. Anyways it was fun to fake battle everyone. I tried to balance it so it takes about 5,000 attacks to kill an opponent of a similar level. There is some luck involved but that should get rounded out a little bit with the high number of battles required to kill a person. Getting that last hit on someone is going give you health so that should make battling all that more exciting.

    PC Locations went out – We will continue to release locations as people level up. The power of quest items, fighting items and boss items will keep increasing in the higher levels. We want the higher level players to continue to increase their power with better drops and rewards from mini games, quests, fighting and bosses. Also we released more properties as we know people like to increase their income. We have stabilized how much cash per hour you get vs. the cost to purchase the property so your return on investment isn’t climbing anymore with the new properties.

    Crafting – We had some crafting go out for PC and VC. Generally we are just making boss rewards that much more powerful when you combine them with gifts. This gives more incentive to get gifts and kill bosses to get the rewards.

    Game Updates!
    Gift Sending & Gift Wishlist modals were appending gift related "Tips" to any page that the Gift modals were displayed. These tips no longer show.

    PC Facebook Mobile version coming next week!

    PC Skyland Co-op Boss: Skymaster's Fleet

    PC Skyland Blacksmith Recipes

    PC Skyland Treasure Hunt

    Today is KANO hack day here are the boys figuring out a game idea.

    I found this in the office fridge, it does not belong to this cowboy that's for certain but it sums up this week's TGIF, lite!
  2. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    i knew you guys just play games and drink all day lol
  3. geff gur

    geff gur Member

    mm... mobile.. i bought my new phone specifically because it can do more mobile games... hope these are some of them!

    oh, and here's an idea for a new game: Space Clan.. set in the distant future, instead of the shadowed past (or near-present)
  4. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    well done PC Skyland Blacksmith Recipes but arnt kano forgetting that they bring out recipes for a new location , and they have not brought out ones for the old locations what about fiddlers green , Athens and lost world what about those recipes, dont you think they are not way over due to come out , i got drops from fiddlers green that are so week that they dont get used by me , how about getting them into the crafting area ,

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