[PC] Bounty protection

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Diva02, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Diva02

    Diva02 New Member

    After being continuously bountied by a player who is more than 2500 levels higher than me, i felt that it was time to make this known to KANO to try and get this sorted. Firstly how can it be reasonable for a player of such a high level to be allowed to bounty a low level player just so that they can get their bounty achievements? Now one answer i received was "increase your rule which will increase your bounty cost" well yes thats true, but seeing that us low level players have to spend money to heal to play the game and also buy items to help improve our character which have upkeep, how can we be expected to play and enjoy the game when the bounties do not stop and we cant do anything about it? Counter attack you say?? Well tell me how to afford doing this as i am still spending to heal to play the game. High level players have the cash and probably all the items they can buy, where us low level players do not and cannot when we have to suffer like this. I would like KANO to put some sort of a cap on players who can bounty you without any provocation from low level players, that way if players want to get the bounty achievements they have to pay for it and not make us low levels suffer because of the way the game has been set up. My suggestion would be that any unprovoked bounty can only be set on players within 500 levels of the player wanting to place the bounty. Now i know that there will be some players who read this and say "stop whinging and just play" well all i can say to you is that you have probably been playing this game for a long time and you are probably a high level, but remember you had to start somewhere when there were less people playing. My reason for posting this is that i have seen many new players leave the game because they just cant play and they are not enjoying the way things have been set up, attacks are capped so why cant bounties be capped?
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    U said it yourself a lot of players have been playing for a long time and dont feel the way u do. Where u went wrong is.........There is far far less players today than there used to be, there is also far more ways to gain XP and level today then there ever was, there is also favor points handed out like candy where as there used to be none. There used to b no protection status. There are far more limits and restrictions put on higher level player today then there ever was. There is far more protection for "littles" than there ever was.

    so when u already have so much more afforded u than nearly everybody else ever did...please tell me my u feel u need more... when we all had to go through worse to get where we are?

    Listen....i understand better than anybody what your going through....its tough at the low levels......but at the same time its as easy as pi to level for free to get yourself outta there. Ive played VC twice...once b4 the changes started and once after most of the changes. The second time due to all the changes was by far the easiest...it wasnt even close , and considering my first account was #1....i had a huge target on my back and every high level rival pummeled me relentlessly every single day...despite that I still made it back to #1 in a fraction of the time that it took the first time around. I had that same target on my back when i climbed into the top ten in PC as well in just a few months (ive slipped to 13 because i rarely play anymore).

    So to make a long story short....what your going thru is nothing new and in fact most had it worse....its just the nature of the games....big fish eats the little fish until the little fish grows up and kicks the other big fishes butt.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  3. Marc A

    Marc A New Member

    Yes I have to agree with you about this, it is unfair that high level players are allowed to spoil the game for low level players, like you i have seen many players leave the game because of issues like this and unless some help is going to be given to low level players then this game will just be for high level players to play and nobody else. Come on KANO be realistic and help out the new low level players, if you want people to play and enjoy the game then you have to help them out. You have set the game up so that each player has to purchase items for players to improve their stats in the game which require upkeep, so suggesting that the player just improves their rule to increase the bounty cost on them is correct, but not a simple option if the player is to keep themselves protected. A 500 level limit sounds fair to me and it will make all the high level players have to pay for their bounties if they want the achievements and not make the low level players suffer
  4. Marc A

    Marc A New Member

    I know exactly where you are coming from with what you are saying PolishPimp and i agree with you, but come on be realistic, a player whose level is more than 2500 above the player they are bountying just to get their achievements, is not a good advertisement for the game, why cant they just keep the bounties within their own level range, ok if players attack, whip or bounty them then yes they become a target, but the way this is going more players will lave the game and whats going to be left?
  5. Posted by a level 800 player in my guild who was being bullied by level 2,000 players and level 5,000 players for simply sporting the tag.

    This level 300 protection isn't working. The player could have been a potential customer for KANO. This is bad news if they're losing customers because they refuse to make changes that are suitable for everyone.

    For example, I was fired from a job once because I was awful in customer service, I hated talking to people. My boss fired me and told me "Each customer spends about 1,000 bucks a year, and we can't afford to be losing customers."

    I'm sure the same would apply to KANO.

    I'm not all excited about the idea of preventing players from being able to attack the lower level players that slap/try for bounties, but for players that haven't done absolutely anything to the higher levels to be placed on the bounty board by players who have much higher bounties and income is a bit ridiculous.

    "Well, they can always lay bounty traps." Except that for a level 5k who manages their empire remotely decently will have a bounty trap cost well over a trillion coins.

    Something should be done, but I have no clue what could be done that would make the higher level players happy.

    It's unfathomable to me why a level 2-3K or higher would want to attack lower level players when I constantly hear about how stamina is such a priceless asset. "They'll give up if the experience gained is bad." Apparently not. I guess those two wins and kill stat are more important.

    Ah well, another player has quit and KANO has lost another customer. I guess it doesn't matter though when there are high level players who are actually spending thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars on this game for ONE account.
  6. John Anthony

    John Anthony New Member

    Yes im a lower player im getting bountied constant by high level players i cant even play the game, because its cheap for them to collect i think there should be a cap on bounties like the forum is above 500 up or down from the levels they are on and make it harder to get the achievements theres alot of players that are leaving the game bc of this simple fact. kano if u want people to stay and play im asking u to cap the bounties then i would enjoy the game more but for right now its not fun it costs money to counter attack i dont have that kind of cash to do it so please help us lower players out thank you
  7. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    I'm a Diva too

    Hey there OxyDiva. Mr. Polish gave you good advice, but you are in my clan! Private message me either by inbox or in the game I can help. Hugs from DOD.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I think Im being very realistic ....every player that has come before u and is still playing either is, has or will go thru this. Do I think its a good "advertisement" for the games? YES...I think that a very rough and cutthroat game play is a perfect advertisement for games called "Viking clan , Pirate clan", "mobwars" and Zombie slayers"....all of which are games that success is measured and rewarded by how many times u attack, slap, bounty and kill someone.

    When I first came to Kano games I was lured by the names themselves....vikings, pirates,zombies and mobsters sounded bad ass to me and i figured with names like that it was gonna be awesomely ruthless...and I was right so I stayed, took my beatings like a man and now I dish them out to my rivals....that exactly how the game is designed to be played....everything else is just "filler". Had I wanted a game which was a little less aggressive I would have tried one of "ville" games or something with a name that didnt scream murder and mayhem.

    Achievements are a huge part of this game as the award XP, cash, skill points and faster regeneration times for stam, health and energy. The only way to get these achievements is to attack and win, bounty, kill etc etc. These achievement levels continue to get higher as u rise in the ranks making it essential that a player find more and more opponents to gather the stats needed for the achievements that r required to continue to be successful in the games. Where exactly do u expect players to find all these opponents needed but at every level? If the higher levels were required to leave the lowest of levels alone....then they would just be beating on the mid levels even more wouldnt they? How would that be fair to the middle levels? In essence...using your logic wouldnt that be excessively picking on them?

    What difference does it really make what level someone is that is taking a beat down? Nobody gets achievements or levels up by losing to someone do they? Do u not try for achievements? How many of those did u get by picking on someone bigger than you? Whether u are attacking and winning against a player higher or lower than yourself....wouldnt anything more than a couple of attacks be excessive? Its not about ones level at all.....its about who we can beat and how many times we can do it that measures and rewards success. Its exactly what these games are designed to be.

    Whats the big deal if u get bountied a hundred times in one day? You can only lose so much XP and it certainly cant stop you from leveling unless u let it, u simply hit the heal button and go on your merry killing way. At the lower levels its so easy to level already....why on earth would you you want some unfair advantage that no one else got? I leveled somewhere between 2500-3000 levels (its been a while and my memory is slipn) in 30 days without spending a dime, most of that time and even after I had some of the highest levels in the game pounding on me everyday. I may be the exception to the rule as far as the time it took....but everyone of any significant level or length of time played had to go through the same crap to some degree....so why shouldnt u and everyone else?

    Kano did change the bounty limit some time back to level 500 but it was a colossal failure for many reasons and was quickly reverted back to 300.

    There is no doubt that many players quit because of the beatings they take at the lower levels and in all honesty its a good thing because they would never make it at the mid to high levels. The low levels are nothing like the upper levels...everything is much more difficult. Kano is like a crack dealer for the lower levels....they give u way more of everything in order to get ya hooked....once they got ya....they jack up the prices and the next thing ya know your sleeping with Fido for their entertainment.....lol. But seriously.....the lower levels are a breeze...most the accounts u face arent even active. Honestly....If u cant handle what happens at the lower levels ...I would just put down the mouse and walk away.....because every body waiting for you at the mid to upper levels are those that did endure the lower levels and despite what they might say....they didnt get there without whoopn someones ass.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    WoW...u called me Mr Polish....thats the nicest thing ive ever been called here in the forums...lol. TY for support.

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