I totally agree with Viliam (and many others who posted before). We are accused by Mr. Deltan that we are camping with the reason of achieving battle kills and I quote "We are seeing situations where hi5 players are camping at their level and abusing their advantage over other players and racking up battle kills. while the majority have played through as we thought there are a few that seem content to just camp at the lower levels and rack up kills."
Hello Mr. Deltan, are you asleep? How can you say that I'm camping??? I am lvl 286 Joined 32 days ago!!! That is definitely anything but camping!! It's 8.9 levels PER DAY! But this other players, let's pick one randomly: Little Dynomite Lvl 289 Insomniac Joined 812 days ago he's ok, isn't he? In hi5 in +800 days I achieved almost Lvl 2200, but this guy here (and many others like him) are not camping doing an average of 0.000x levels per day? Is this your objectiveness or the whole story was only a masked reason to hit the ex Hi5 players again? Why having 2 set of rules? One for the good guys and another one for the Hi5-ers? Are you really so limited in you vision that you cannot see you create even a bigger rupture in the game with all these dictatorial and unfair rules? You only made us feel unwanted here, like a second class citizens.

I always kept a polite way in writing here in this forum but you never answered any of my questions until now, and I suspect that you just couldn't answer. It's all a very big BS with the facade of "we are the good guys here who want a fair environment". Fair my @$$ ! The logical next step will be of course taking back our limited items because, "hey, the other poor guys at your level never saw in their lives so many gathered together, we want to keep it fair!", and finally in the end you will ban us from the game because all other oppressive measures had no desired effect. You know what? It should suffice to just say " Rossi, I don't want you here!" and I promise I'll stop playing this game with no hard feelings!
I don't expect you Mr. Deltan to come up here with an answer to my accusations, I really don't think you'll have proper explanations for the Kano's way of dealing with us, you'll just pretend you never read all these posts as you always did. Justice is just a simple word after all, only in books or movies will prevail.
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