In no way am I trying to talk down to you.....Im simply trying to get u to see what it is your clearly missing. If u take the players hitting the boss completely out of the equation...then its all about the boss owner...correct? The majority of boss owners dont set limits on their bosses on purpose? Your suggested change will would have this majority performing extra steps.
What do u mean I wont be able to do as much damage? of course I will, the only thing that will change is that the boss owner will have to perform another step in order for me or anyone else to kill the damn thing. Why is that so hard for u to understand? R u disputing my claims that the majority of players dont set limits?
If a seasoned players doesnt know about the limits that have been around for a very long time now....Im not sre anything is going to help them at this point. As far as newbs go....Its live and learn like the rest of us...most will figure it out in short order. Since when was ignorance of the rules/law an excuse? If a player forgets once or twice...big least it would be the minority that was affected and not the majority.
Grand Poopah eh....not only isnt that the case...but im just a guy who wants what best, easiest and fairest for the masses. Not only are these forums open to both networks....but u certinly didnt specify on which network u were talking about. In addition....99.9 percent of the games updates affect both networks exactly the same. If u think they r gonna make a change like this in one game and not the r sorely mistaken.
The one and only way your idea would ever make sense is that the majority of players actually preferred to set limits...and that is simply not the case. So instead of accusing me of ulterior motives...ya better go take a long look in the mirror buddy!
Last edited: Feb 28, 2012