Freezing accounts without good reason

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jillian Thyra Johansson, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. peregrine77

    peregrine77 New Member

    and not only that, but where *are* all the devs; they should be fairly prompt on addressing this there are alot of ppl that just got frozen over this
  2. If someone is stupid enough to keep clicking instead of answering a simple math question, then that's their problem.

    Can't bounty hunt if you're not paying attention to the screen, so no one should try and say "I click while looking away from the screen!" either.

    I bounty hunt all of the time myself and have yet to be locked for "suspicious behavior" and I click a lot too. Claiming that clicking a lot is the reason is bull since I haven't been locked out myself.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I see your point Kul. But sometimes with facebook and games on there if you click fast enough sometimes it takes time for the clicks to catch back up and stop thus resulting in a couple missed math questions.
  4. Even so, I've clicked several times while the math question was up. It just kept loading a new question until I finally answered it. Of course, I didn't click it 100 times either.

    Either way, my account hasn't been frozen due to any of the problems people have mentioned, and I have 400 bounty kills with 65 days of playing time.

    Take that for what you will.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Nice Kill ratio for i assuming viking clan. Because if you have that many kills in pirate clan in that short of time since the boards are not always as active in pirate clan. But from my understanding when i was frozen and they did apologize to me and said it was because of fast clicking on my part. It took me 5 math questions to blow thru and it thought i was a bot user. My opinion is if you choose to use those thats your choice if thats how you want to play your game. Myself whats the point in playing games if you have to use something to help you get an edge over a player do it the hard way build your player up and win. Will be worth it in the long run. But i have said my due on this subject. That the math question of there's is not the only idea they could use to catch users who are using those forms of cheats. There are other ideas for them to use on there games.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No disrespect intended.....but your ratio is of BKs to days played is hardly a good example for the point trying to be made. You are obviously not spending near the time on the bounty page that others are.
  7. The amount of time spent isn't the topic though.

    You're all saying "rapid clicking", now you're changing it to "time spent"?


    Since you've changed it to "amount of time spent" now, I spend 24 hours a day on Viking Clan. I rarely shut my laptop down and I rarely ever leave the VC page on Facebook. Even when I go to Zombie Slayer to do my stuff there, I merely open a new Facebook tab.

    Never been locked.

    Next theory.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I wasnt trying to change anything around....for me the more clicks u have equates to more time on the bounty page
  9. How else would you suppose I got so many bounty kills in a short time? (Or what seems to be a lot in a short time by my standards, anyway.)

    I spent hours on the bounty board clicking the bounty tab repeatedly. I've clicked so much and so fast that my arm locks up and hurts. Are you telling me that there are people who click more than I do?

    If so, then I'd question how they're doing so if they're not using a bot or script.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member not trying to argue with u here....but yes....there r some players that spend all day on the bounty page...its all they do. The simple fact that u get tired after a few hours does not mean some who does it more than u is using some type of automated play...unless of course I happen to be speaking to the most well conditioned world champion clicker of all time at this very moment.

    The way your looking at this is a big reason why Kano gets so many false reports of cheating. Players start to believe that they r so good at something that when someone comes along and does it better or faster they automatically jump to the conclusion that they must be cheating. Dont take me wrong here...Im not saying u think that u r the best....simply that its a very common thing that happens.

    Im also not saying that bot and script use doesnt run rampant through these games....I believe it does. In the end Im saying that Kanos software is seriously flawed and it often times freezes players unjustly. Just a day or two ago Kanos software froze multiple accounts due to a glitch, Kano has admitted to this and apolgized. So between glitches and human error/ goes beyond the realm of possibility and is in fact....a normal occurrence

    As far as your bounty kill ratio...Im not trying to slam on it. I just didnt think it was a great example because although i play everyday....often times im only on for mere minutes a day just to get my dailys done and I rarely stalk the bounty page yet ive averaged in excess 0f 16 BKs a day
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  11. thechef

    thechef New Member

    ok so i have a question if someone makes a lot of money off the hitlist in one night is that grounds for account suspension because my mom made a killing on the hitlist last night now she tries to lo in and is told she cant due to suspicious activity so if someone could message me and tell me why she was frozen i would greatly appreciate it
  12. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    She should contact support about her account status.
  13. thechef

    thechef New Member

    she did and was told it was because of offensive language we thought it was for something else
  14. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    Also kano, you frozen two members of my familys accounts becuz they use my extra computers at the same house over my network. For having two accounts supposely, yet they were both different people, My son and son in law accounts were frozen permanently just becuz another player named of crushing andee could not beat them after she kept attacking them and punching and hitlisting them, so they ambushed her alot and occassionally punhched back, I've heard from other people who attacked her back that she did the same thing tot hem also and had their accounts frozen. Its very unfair to alotof family members who use the same computers to play and o not even get a message that their accounts were frozen until they tried to log on. Where's the proof that theydid anything wrong outside of a person calling you in and telling you they have more than one account on the same ip address. My familymembers are very angry over this andhave considered removing themselfs from playing any of your other games also. Good way to lose a lot of business Overone person lying about others. You should consider the reasons that this person is reporting so many different people and her account shoould also be frozen as well. it would only be fair until the problem could be solved.
    thank you, not sure if things willbe worked out or if they would even want to play your games again. but who knows,
  15. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    Not sure, i dont sleep well and i play alot during the day and night andi leave my account open also so its open online 24/7, its just easier for me since i am legally blind and only have tunnel vision with no side vision. My son reads the replies to me in chats andi type on a brail keyboard, does that give cause for irregular play also just becuz a person has a handicap also.
  16. lowfell driver

    lowfell driver New Member

    easiest way not to get frozen is dont cheat :cool:yeh yeh yeh excuses your frozen for getting all the bountys well your using a bot so stay frozen
  17. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    Sorry I dont use aa bot and nether did my son and son in law, they each had their own account and played their own games. alot of the games, they playin I dont even play. myself i only play one game and thats mob wars, lcn, the only thing they did was ambush theone player that kept attacking them, about theother people who got froze, i dont knwo too much about. so its hard to say what theyd id or dint do, but i am sure that my son will get his account traighten out and be back soon to playing as soon as he can show thathe isnt a bot playing
    my son in law, moved outof town and i assume will be back also, I was just saying that it does happen to people and there are others out there that will do what they can to freeze peoples accounts that they cannot beat.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  18. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Maddog1122 if your having an issue with a frozen acct please send a message to this link along with any information on what the reasoning is behind it and what could have caused it. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
  19. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    No I personally dont have aproblem with accounts being frozen, I was just saying that one pedrson has frozen dozen of accounts that he/she attacked and could not beat, I've watched as she attacked not only my son but several people in my syndicate, she lost almost every fight, then several of them emailed saying that they got their accounts frozen and wont be able to play for awhile. I was using this as a example about syndicates and other people getting their accounts frozen and were not using a bot until they had to prove that they did nothing to get frozen in the first place. I've been wondering if perhaps with the problems kano's had with the downtime, if maybe there was another reason why accounts were suddenly being frozen for short periods. there's really gotta be a easier way to prover that those frozen accounts are real people and not bots.
  20. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    my son also just old me thatnot only did his mob wars lcn account get frozen but his hotmail account was blocked also, so he doesnt think he can reply back now to kano's except thru facebook and he's surpised that account hasnt been hacked too. I now canunderstand why kano thought he might be actin suspiciously if someone hacked into his account and got his information.

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