Freezing accounts without good reason

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jillian Thyra Johansson, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Greetings Kano,

    There is a member of my guild who had his account frozen last night. For seven days. Probably for irregular play. He was new to our guild and very ambitious. He logged more war points than any other member in his very first week. I even messaged him a couple of times and expressed my concern that he wasn't sleeping. Ultimately, though, he is an adult and can do as he wishes.

    So, you froze his account, probably because he seemed to be playing too much. My question is.....why don't you send him a message first to verify whether or not it is actually him playing? Not only have you frozen him without cause, but you have now screwed over our entire guild for this new season if he isn't unfrozen today.

    That hardly seems fair or appropriate. There are so many other ways this can be handled, but it seems as if you couldn't care less. You did the same thing to a member of my armada in PC as well. At the very least, if you freeze a member of a guild, you should allow the guild to replace him without losing a day of points so their entire season isn't ruined for 24 other players who are not frozen.

    Now, my guild member has messaged you four times today already with no response. If you are going to take such action, a timely response is not only expected but should be a priority for your customers who pay your bills.

    How about you treat us as if we matter a little bit at least? Without your customers, where would you be?

    Thank you.
  2. Had the same thing happen to me when i was in DIE. They wouldn't let my guild replace the player just so we could get points in for the day and not get messed up because of one player. And I'm sure it has happened to others as well. Not speaking against you. But, thats the way it has been for right or wrong. Just got to suck it up and focus on the next week.
  3. big papa Grendall

    big papa Grendall New Member

    nice job kano very nice i commend your efforts to keep the app clean off all cheaters im not acussing any off cheating but i think finally you are taking step in right direction and the person who started the thread sounds like a big babie
  4. LMAO at you. I knew, before I even read your comment, that you would be a jerk, as usual. Go away. Take a night class, preferably a spelling class. Or....human decency class if there is such a thing.
  5. Thank you, Yoop. I know it's happened before, in PC and VC for sure. Sorry it happened to you guys, it isn't right no matter who it happens to. BUT, the reason I'm speaking up is so that will hopefully change for all of us. Even the bad guys, such as the negative commentator and his band of parasites.
  6. MercenaryMissionary

    MercenaryMissionary New Member

    Now Now.... Hush
  7. Stevie Mac

    Stevie Mac Member

    I understand why Kano must stay vigilant and Evony has been ruined by use of bots but I too had my account suspended for 'irregular behaviour'. Yeah it's all very well to say well that's just how it goes but wait till it happens to you and see if you still feel same way. A chance for the player to explain themselves seems a fairer way of dealing with it and not unreasonable with perhaps a warning if no reply is received within 24 hours that the account will be suspended.......
  8. MercenaryMissionary

    MercenaryMissionary New Member

    Mine was suspended for several days do to irregular play at the beginning... Learned my lesson and decided to only play at work and sleep at night... so all is good now. :eek:)
  9. Thank you Stevie, that was a helpful suggestion. I haven't been frozen, but I can imagine how I would feel if I were. And, if you have jealous, vindictive rivals who find out you were frozen, even if you are innocent, you can bet that just gives them more ammunition for their hatred. There are so many things wrong with one's account being frozen before Kano approaches them, you just made that even more clear.

    How long were you frozen and were you given an apology? Not that that would help your guild any. You and 24 other innocent players still had to pay the price of a lost season for an unjust cause.
  10. I'm curious as to what they consider "irregular behavior". Playing everyday for almost 24 hrs.? Bot use? Constant change in IP? Anyone know?
  11. big papa Grendall

    big papa Grendall New Member

    its a game its not life or death get a grip jillian dang i need to put on my rain boots just to read your message booo hooo and i bet kano had just cause to do what they did thumbs up kano
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  12. Ghengis Krom

    Ghengis Krom New Member

    Mine was frozen a long time ago, but only for a day. They got back to me almost right away, but no apology...hehehhee
  13. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    great job kano but not enough . i agree it's a step in the right direction but considering the amount of "questionable play" (cheating) it's but a drop in the bucket . i have always said that there has to be more policing done on bots and alternate account usage and now the practice of multiple players on one account .

    as for the effect that it has on a guilds points and rankings , as stated , the officer of the guild noticed "he wasn't sleeping". did she tell him he could be suspended for questionable play ( i hear kano still uses the "are you a bot" message with the math question) . if not then , oh well , stuff happens . on noticing the "questionable play" she could have removed the player from the guild and avoided any penalty to the guild . i believe that guild officers should be responsible and help keep the cheating out of the game . but knowing some of the players running some of the guilds i know how silly that belief is .

    keep up the good work kano , lets see more suspensions and bans .
  14. "Do something about the alts and cheaters in your games, Kano!"

    -Kano does-

    "You're not doing it right, Kano!"
  15. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Has this person written into support yet? Have them do so and it will be investigated. This sounds also like it could be something you could submit to our Ideas board in terms of creating more transparency into the banning and anti-cheating efforts.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    As far as I know....its not against the rules to play for extended periods of time.

    Personally.....I have know idea whether the player in question was doing anything wrong or not....I obviously like to think that they werent as we do as much as we possibly can as players and guild leaders to insure we dont have members employing questionable tactics....but in the end there is only so much we can do as players. The player in question here was on for extremely long periods in an effort to set a record for most WP previously held by myself. The multiple actions needed to be taken to beat a record such as this...dont lend themselves to suspicion of bot use. A player must be constantly performing different gaming thats just not the case.

    As stated previously in another thread...I too believe that Kano needs to be proactive in their efforts to thwart the efforts of the cheats out there. I Think Kano is well intended....but there automated software is flawed at best and their system of freezing without even notifying a player is absurd. We all know players that have been frozen....more times than not they r thawed rather quickly upon an explanation by the account in question...that fact alone should attest to Kanos flawed system.

    Kanos current system of freeze first without explanation simply doest work nor is it fair. Its been suggested here in this thread and in previous threads that Kano could notify a suspected player prior to freezing their account that they are being suspected of suspicious play.....not only would this allow a player the opportunity to explain themselves before a unjust freezing....but it would also work as a warning /deterrent to continued suspect play if the player is in fact employing these illegal tactics.

    As far as how freezing an account affects an entire guild...this just shouldnt happen, it not anyone else responsibility or fault if someone else is being a moron. If a player is frozen a guild should have the opportunity to replace that player immediately without penalty. The only exception to that being if the guild or its leaders were found to some how be a part of the illegal actions. if that were the case than the guild itself should be sanctioned.....but the actions of one player should not allow for an entire guild to be santioned
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  17. big deal jill ? lol
    yeah player just have to email Kano support - explain game play ..
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ive been told the player has contacted support 4 times
  19. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    i believe a guild should be penalized when a member is caught in "questionable activities" . whether in play or in the feeds . in this case of a suspended player , losing the points for the time suspended is sufficient . this gives the guild incentive to police their players instead of relying on kano to do it . the officer of this guild noticed "questionable play" . on my clan feed players are saying the suspended player was online for days and active . (multiple players on one account ?) . with the lack of guilds participating in the wars he could not have been only playing in the guild war , not all that time . what's this players stats look like ?
    just like i said in the beginning of the guilds , the officers have to be responsible to make the guild members aware of the rules , who the guild enemies are and what they can expect as members of that guild . attacks from enemies , help from allies...ect . they should also be responsible when keeping "questionable players" in their guild . if a guild member is cheating in some way and doesn't get caught the guild benefits so when they get caught the guild should be penalized .

  20. hehehe i remember that some one made a joke that if player use heal or script bot and get frozzen than that acct will get healed for a day so other players can kick his cheat A$$ hehehehe (just a joke .. its not about u jill !!!)

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