Attention: Valued hi5 players! A plan has been forged.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    when can we find out what the packages are Kendall?
  2. madalina

    madalina Member can we get this package..and when?..details please
  3. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Package details are coming soon. I don't want to commit to a date, we're still hashing out the details. There's a lot to consider with points, level, time spent etc.. It's a lot of work that we're having to fit into a schedule where this previously was not on our radar. As soon as we know, you'll know.
  4. Chris Mend

    Chris Mend New Member

    I stopped playing hi5 pirates right after you(Deltan) said that we wouldn't be able to transfer our accounts, so about the packages, would I qualify for a "package" if I haven't been active for the past week or should I go back and try to get much higher? btw I'm 3000+ in pirates.

    To players:
    It is MUCH more easier to get captain/chieftans. I already have 800+ chieftans and 600+ captains in a week so I hope to see some of you guys around there.
  5. losche

    losche New Member

    the time frame is not an issue for me i can wait but the question is,wts gonna happen for my limited weapons that i own and im talking here over 2000 limited weapon plus loyalty weapons too,,,,,??
  6. Druster

    Druster New Member

    the most important question for me is what will happen with the Acc on Facebook or Myspace if you bring your Hi5 into it?

    for example Hi5 lvl 1000, Facebook lvl 500 so what will happen to that FB-Acc? will it fall to lvl 1 ?

    or another example Hi5 lvl 500 and Myspace lvl 1000, what happens if you bring your lil one into a big one?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  7. Jayme

    Jayme Member

    im a high level on the facebook version i feel bad for all the hi5 guys :( if anybody comes over to the facebook version and need any help with anything feel free to fire me a message please inbox to say hi5 player because i get a lot of friend requests
  8. Jayme

    Jayme Member

    very true to be on the leaderboard on fb you need to be 3000+ and still leveling like crazy and yes most people have 2000 mobsters
  9. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    kano's biggest fear was that if we migrate intact there we will steal your leaderboard positions or make life difficult for you. rubbish reason if you ask me considering that u guys are bigger and stronger than us. so what do they offer? strip us all of our weapons and mobs and make us start over. would you still play in these conditions if that happent to you? honestly...
  10. MikeCan

    MikeCan Member - Http/1.1 Service Unavailable ... and the end arrived :(
  11. MikeCan

    MikeCan Member

    I thought what we were going to have a few more days: (
  12. Kurta Zoltan

    Kurta Zoltan Member

    well...that's it!
    I'm deleting my hi5's been nice knowing you guys (viking chieftains). Hope we meet again on FB :)
  13. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    i'll be following you tomorrow :))
  14. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Hey All,
    We just heard from hi5 today that they will be shutting down the games on February 29th. hi5 has not shut off the games yet, they simply appear to be down at the moment. We hope to announce our plan for points packages soon and will have something in place in advance of the 29th. Hang in there! :)
  15. MikeCan

    MikeCan Member

    i hope u r right :) i want say goodbay to my caracter :)
  16. Kurta Zoltan

    Kurta Zoltan Member

    Sure. search my name and give me a message to know who you are :)

    I hope so too....I'll continue playing until the last day of Viking Clan on Hi5.
  17. madalina

    madalina Member

    the game didn't ended=)) was a problem:)..the game runs fine now;)...
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
  18. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    Your main concern seems to be the leaderboards but as someone many hundreds of places away from gaining a place on one, personally speaking, I don't care about them.

    I have sampled VC on all 3 networks and, if it were not for the differences in level that my characters are at, I would be hard pressed to say which platform I was playing on, except for gifting and adding new chieftains. I for one cannot see how such radical differences could exist between networks.

    I so I have questions.

    Could you actually do a 1:1 migration if you wanted to?

    If you can, why don't you? Could you explain in simple terms (without referencing the top level players) what problems would it cause to transfer them as the only disadvantage I can think of is having no real clan to exchange clicks with? I can't be the only one confused by your previous replies about this.

  19. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Agree, history is repeating itself. Thought Kano was different but not. If this package deal instead of a 1:1 tranfer is going to be the solution for hi5 players, I know what my fate will be if the MySpace plug is going to be pulled. I'll wait and see, maybe they still change their mind but I'll quit all Kano games if it's not going to be a 1:1 for hi5 players.

    It doesn't matter who pulls the plug. You made it very clear this is the best solution because you don't want to upset FB or MS players. Or do you say it would not be the best solution if you had pulled the plug yourself? A solution is a solution, no matter what the reason is. It can't be the best for one reason and not be the best for another reason.

    No they didn't ask, I came in this thread because my eye fell on it as it is a sticky in general discussions. I'm sure that most FB and MS players would have nothing against you guys coming with your current stats and items; you earned them playing this game, no matter on what platform. Kano keeps saying it's not their fault hi5 pulls the plug, well it's not the players fault either. The efforts you made to get where you are now in the game are as good as the efforts MS and FB players made in the game. Besides, if you guys come over, it would only mean more players to play with/against and it would make the fight lists on MySpace a little less empty.

    Indeed very rubbish. Players having a problem with that should think about what they would like if the same thing happened to them. If they have a problem losing a few ranks to a player that made the same efforts as them but on a different platform, they are not worth playing a social multiplayer game.

    "Valued hi5 players", yeah right. Looks nice in a subject title but that's where it stops.
  20. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    As we have already announced, it will not be a 1:1 transfer. We found out hi5 was shutting down its games the same time you all did. Even if the math worked (which it does NOT), we do not have engineering resources available to make a transition of this magnitude happen in the very short timetable forced upon us by hi5. We will be offering points packages to players soon. Many other companies who are forced off hi5 by their decision are not offering to support their players from hi5 at ALL. We DO in fact value our players on hi5 and this is what we are prepared to offer.

    There are multiple reasons a 1:1 is not feasible. One of them is that we do not wish to anger FB/MS players, another is that we do not wish to upset the balance of those games, the timetable given to us by hi5 does not make a transfer possible due to our engineering resource contention. hi5 is pulling the plug, not us. Had Kano decided to abandon hi5 which we had no plans to do, we would have planned something out with a better timetable than what was forced upon us.

    It's definitely not the fault of Kano and it is certainly not the fault of the players either. It's solely hi5 pulling the rug out from underneath us and the players, I still strongly encourage everyone to voice their frustrations with hi5 through their support email. I would like to re-iterate that you say "most" FB/MS players would not be upset, and you are probably correct. However, why should any players on those networks be made upset by hi5's decision? We can't please both sides. This combined with the other aforementioned reasons (math of stats, timetable, complexity, engineering resources etc..) we decided our best offer has to be points.

    Truly sorry that you feel that way I strongly disagree with your view point. Many hi5 game publishers are not supporting any of their hi5 players who spent money or time in their game and just saying "oh well" and shutting down on the 29th. We are spending a lot of developer time to offer a fresh start on another network to our players and offer points on those networks to help get you started.
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