Social Feed

Discussion in 'Rejected Ideas' started by silvereye, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. silvereye

    silvereye New Member

    This is one thing I get annoyed quickly about and it's about posting more then once about worthless throphy kills and slayer links for trolls to get their friends to attack their victims throughout the whole day. So Kano how about this idea only one post at a time every minute so the feeds don't flood with worthless info and mindless trophy kills. :D


    well other people will disagree with you because some people like posting there punch kills
  3. silvereye

    silvereye New Member

    But it also means how inconsiderate some people are when they whine to Kano. People lie to and the feeds are proof sometimes but some trolls love to delete what they said which is the sad part of why I'm posting this as a new idea


    silver i know you in myspace you have a pretty big mouth and the stuff you said to people its pretty mess up
  5. silvereye

    silvereye New Member

    And people on myspace aren't the same I could level with ya with a fair number of people and yet some people whine to kano all the time. I have a pretty good idea who whines to kano anyways, at least for this idea this would send a post to an alternate message board like a war board if they want to post mindless trophy kills


    well your always going to have people that whine to Kano and your one of them too actually...... a war board i dont know it that a good idea cuz no matter what board they put people are still going to post whatever they want...Fyi this is "The bully" from myspace ;)
  7. silvereye

    silvereye New Member

    And you think I care nope go suck a lollipop you'll need it in the long run. More people will like this idea and more if I get them involve troll
  8. silvereye

    silvereye New Member

    Also Crazybeast, why do you change your name from "JETS" to "Moes Bodyguard" to "Moes Boyfriend" to "Spongebob" to at last "The Bully" kind of seems like your a bit insecure about yourself and I notice your gameplay style stays the same with the same attitude over the last 7 months makes you wonder if your trying to garner attention.
  9. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Rejected. The social feed is intended to be for bragging and information sharing. You can filter your own feed if you deem it necessary.

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