Thanks for a sensible answer. Yeah the suicide runs come later, but finding players upto lvl 2500, the level to which i have a fair chance of winning are like rocking horse shit.! Also, i seem to notice you can be attacked anyway by higher levels, whether you have gone after them or not. Maybe its my imagination. As for the hitting and running, unless you are ready to log off its probably the bounties that piss me off. At our level, its chicken shit to be bountied then you lose the xp anyway.
Nope, i aint one to back down and will keep going. As the phrase goes, A clever man learns from his own mistakes a wise man learns from others, just need to be wiser i suppose.
That last bit ties in with what i was saying, its hard to find people alive and fighting, but from what you and Das have said, i am not far off, probably just needed a different perspective.
Last edited: Jan 24, 2012