Problems with lcn on facebook..

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gods people, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    anyone else having problems with lcn on facebook:)
  2. Rex Hayward

    Rex Hayward Member

    Bad request
    The server found your request confusing and isn't sure how to proceed.

    i have been getting this a lot today but i dont know who's problem it is...
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Where do you get this? Does it come up in a Facebook style pop-up or is it embedded in the game?
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    One of our developers seems to be experiencing the same issue, sounds like a Facebook related bug that is only applicable to some users.

    Try playing on the offsite version:
  5. Rex Hayward

    Rex Hayward Member

    so are you looking into why its happening...?
  6. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Facebook is the culprit here, this bug is out of our control. I did a little digging and it appears to be affecting other non-Kano applications as well.

    Hopefully they sort this out soon.
  7. Rex Hayward

    Rex Hayward Member

    thanks i wasnt saying it was your problem..:) i figure its just easier for you to sort out than me
  8. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    there is a problem with the 3rd and 4th jobs on the paris, when you try to send out requests for help, it kicks you off and keeps repeating the kick unless you go to job 1` or 2 and send them out there, that seems to clear the probl4em and let you fight the jobs
  9. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Is this still an issue for you? I believe that we fixed this yesterday.
  10. Al Rawlins

    Al Rawlins New Member

    I am having that problem with Internet Explorer so I tried Chrome and it worked correctly, no more freezing.
  11. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    To fix your IE choose to clear all cookies then close IE. Go to My Computer and right click the c-drive. Choose "Properties" and then click "Disk Cleanup" Make sure you have "Downloaded Program Files" checked and click "Ok" or "Run". Once the clean up process is done, restart your PC and open IE..all issues should be fixed.

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