[VC] Guild Wars Open Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

  2. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    "We will be releasing an update shortly that will put a level range limit on War Point targets that can be bountied with points rewarded. Regular bounty rules will still apply but War Points will only be received for players that are 1/2 your level or double your level, if all goes well we will be looking to put base costs into effect with that range. So a level 5000 player can only earn war points for bountying a 2500 level player up to a level 10,000 player."

    Are you considering doing anything about exp lost on war counted bounties???
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO....I wasnt referring to u in my comments .....get over yourself
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We may, currently there is no easy way to track that and would require a tweaking to the bounty system. With the new bounty range addition hopefully that will ease some of the listings of lower levels from higher ones for WP's.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    R u kidding me??? I was talking about the Parasites...at least they r a tiny blip on the radar. Why on earth would i be talking about U? your completely insignificant...even though u probably play more than me.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ok by me!

    but what i dont like is the fact that we no longer get points for listing someone less than my level, I would understand had they not attacked me ....but when and if they open themselves up to me....damn right i should get points.....this is a HUGE disadvantage for the highest of levels!
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    finally.....someone that gets it>>>>>ty!!!!!!!!

    BLACKDETH Member


    1. You had months to figure this out.

    2. You knew how Guild Wars worked in other games.

    3. People had plenty of opportunity to give input before now.

    4. The rules of the game were released in advance.

    5. Guilds had the option to play or not play.


    Dont claim that its due to popular demand, i.e. feedback....stupid little guilds whining because they signed up to play but didnt read the rules.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member


    YES...it definitely sounds like sour grapes.....just because some either have more money, plays more, a more dedicated guild, just plays smarter or all of the above does not mean they cheat or have advance knowledge....It simply means they have outplayed u do to one of the reasons listed.. Get over it....its a game and life just isnt fair!
  10. Way i see it. Is if U as a moderator stayed unbiased and quit trying to berate everyone that doesn't agree with u and actually tried to explain the game and such to them U may find more people wanting to try the new things available and spend more time playing and even perhaps spend some money to support the game. May even get more suggestions and feedback that could lead to improvements. Just a thought.............
  11. pimp does have a point about not getting points for listing someone less than your level

    that means the highest levels cant get bounty points which really isnt fair......
  12. You know as well as I do. No matter how many changes are made. You can't please everyone all the time. And the more that are made. The more some are going to get either confused, mad, quit and/or all the above.
  13. its a catch-22 no matter how u look at it
  14. odin's mommee

    odin's mommee New Member

    so, this would solve the problem of, for example, level level 100 attacks level 8000 the 5 times for the wp and the level 8000 hits them back infinite times for the next 24 hours?
    if so, that makes much more sense.

    also, what's the point of guild alliances if you aren't prevented from attacking those members for war points?
  15. odin's mommee

    odin's mommee New Member

    i have been able to attack my own clan members, although only from the war rivals link. at first, i could not axe-slap them, but (i think??) i can now.
    as i stated before, it would make more sense to go by the alliance/enemy list for the guild wars, at least to me. it just seems that would make that particular feature relevant. as it is, it's pretty useless.
  16. odin's mommee

    odin's mommee New Member

    what did i do to be talked to like that? and in other posts as well? do i not understand the term "moderator" or does moderating include hateful and condescending remarks to the feedback?

    in the world feed, we were asked to give feedback and that's what i tried to do. i also asked questions. i did read things on here and the rules before i participated. i had been keeping an eye on the war idea and its details before the option was available.
    some things were unclear, such as the 5 attack cap. yes if i, a lowly level 2000 hit a level 8000 to receive the bounty or for any other reason outside of gaining 3 wp x 5, i should get smashed on by that person all day. my fellow guild members didn't do it though, i alone deserve punishment. also, it's pointless to play if i'm constantly dead because the person can kill me all day over 15 measly wp and cost me -20000 xp in the process.

    of course i understand it is optional, however, i have had difficulty opting back out, as has at least one other player on this forum (or so i have read). furthermore, i was under the impression kano wanted to add features to entice more to play or players to play more. i thought my "complaining" was helpful in that respect.

    the guild members we lost quit the entire game.

    if the game was easy, it would be monotonous. a challenge is great. you can't please all the people all the time. understandable. but why did kano request feedback so that the provider could be disrespected in return? some smack talking in the game is one thing, we're acting like vikings, so it's in character. but on a forum? it seems uncalled for.

    should i anticipate some name-calling and offensive taunting after clicking "post"??

  17. Well, we're not exactly fighting *you*, now are we? We've just decided that, unlike you and your ilk, we'd prefer NOT to list every single cheap bounty we can find in the name of inflating our stats. Meanwhile, feel free to keep stroking your own ego by letting everyone know how great you are because you happen to have a spare trillion laying around to bounty 40 people that haven't even unlocked Muspell yet. LMAO!!
  18. I like the idea of players not going on personal rivals lists simply for war points from attacks/slaps ONLY. But I *do* think if they throw a bounty at you, it's fair that they're a chew toy for 24 hours. My personal opinion is that I'd still like to either see some sort of ceiling for bounties since not many of the lower levels can't afford the trillions it takes to bounty the higher levels or after a certain income level you're just at base price once a day as you originally intended.

    The simple solution (it's simple to me, *I'm* not the one writing the code - LOL!) is that the hide function could be automatically disabled once you accept a war request and return to hiding without enemies. The problem I've had all along with the guilds was that there was nothing to tie them into the game with the exception of bosses - which could be handled just as easily by clanning up. Enemies and Ally alike aren't there for any conceivable reason I've seen so far. I'd assumed guild wars was going to make our enemies list actually mean something but it hasn't. There are several guilds that my guild is theoretically "at war" with that couldn't stand toe to toe with us simply based on levels.

    As for friendly guilds offering themselves up for sacrifice in a non open environment, I would say that would give you a golden opportunity to investigate alt/mini accounts as I doubt you'll find many genuine guilds willing to be attacked/slapped/bountied for a week without any retaliation whatsoever. I know you think a lot of us jump at shadows when we report these accounts (myself included) but I just saw a guild yesterday with half of their players joining in the last month and some as little as a few days ago. All of them are lower levels with incredibly affordable bounties. Guess who happens to be bountying them excessively to pad their stats? A couple of the guilds that happen to be very high in the standings. Strange. I've been keeping an eye on that same guild and I can't seem to catch even one of them when they're alive. Yet, at random times they all just happen to heal long enough to be bountied 15-20 times by people of the same guild (or their not so secret alliance) then they're dead again until the next day for the process to repeat itself.

    Does that mean that guild is nothing but mini's? Of course not. That's an asinine presumption to make based on that small bit of evidence. But I would think it certainly warrants more than a token response on your part.

    BLACKDETH Member

    How about a leaderboard feature for individual guild war points...nothing fancy...just a total

    BLACKDETH Member

    "Finally, you can deny to your blue in the face about people not getting advance information, but I suggest you conduct an investigation. Within minutes of the activation of Guild Wars we were subjected to a well coordinated and obvouisly planned attack by RVV and SN. Gee I am sure that was a coincidence and oh look another coincidence they are the leaders in Guild Wars. This is not sour grapes. Which I am sure the Pitiful king will claim."

    Craig, use your brains, man. I know you are not this stupid. Guild Wars was announced for January 11th. That morning RVV accepted an alliance with SN. Later that same day, I had a brilliant idea [and I do not get many so I am going to milk this one] to form a group of like-minded players for GW.

    Together with the leadership of SN we put together a team of killers intent on launching terror upon our unsuspecting foes in GW. Craig, its a lot like this whole "secret alliance" thing you been pissing and moaning about: in fact, I suppose we owe it to you for putting the idea in our collective heads.

    For the record, I believe that both ONE and CCC were active for about 2-3 minutes before RVV came to join the party. Stop blaming others for the fact that your guild has failed to accomplish all that you claimed it could. That song and dance is getting old.

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