
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by guineahen, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. guineahen

    guineahen New Member

    This is something that has been on my mind for a bit so I thought I'd toss it out here. Would it be possible to get rid of some of the lower end gifts? I know you can remove them after you receive them or not accecpt them but someone took the time to send it so I feel bad for them getting rid of them (it's like throwing away something your kid gave you)! One good "vehicle", weapon and warrior would be so much nicer than the little piddly dink ones! And many of the gifts aren't used for crafting things like the secret gift.

    Or have a "Thanks but no gift needed unless you want something sent to you" notation we could put on our profile in the gift wish list. :)
  2. The only thing that is really needed is an ignore all function.

    You can ignore gifts one by one if you don't want them. Set up your gift wishlist for gifts you do want, or if you don't want any gifts whatsoever, leave the wishlist empty and accept the gifts you do get as a quick way to complete the 1,000 Help points in your dailies.

    It's not like there's a limit to how many items you can have, and gifts don't cost upkeep. I just accept all gifts and ignore them. Maybe someday they'll come out with a recipe that requires hundreds of a particular gift, then I'd be disappointed if I threw the hundreds of that gift away.

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