Should there be more than 10 levels between Outbreaks on the Pirate & Viking games?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by MJG, Dec 22, 2011.


Should there be more than 10 levels between Outbreaks on the Pirate & Viking games?

Poll closed Dec 29, 2011.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Doesn't matter

  1. MJG

    MJG New Member

    40+ levels that need to be completed between outsbreaks on Pirate and Viking games is way too much. The game begins to get monotonous & BORING!!
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Try 50 Levels with 90k+ XP per level.

    I personally like the long time I have to acquire more and more drops. After all, you really need those drops.
  3. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I'm not a big fan of how spread out they are. I have near 1800 energy on vc/pc (going for 2k for achievement) so I finish the job within like 2-3 levels then just have to keep repeating it like 300-400 times til next job opens up. I don't bother with fighting so the drops on adventures don't really mean much to me. It would also be nice if I didn't have to wait several hundred levels just to unlock a new boss.
  4. Maler

    Maler Member

    I agree with Das liebe Beil. at higher levels (2000+) you have 10 adventures, one at every 50 levels, and it's fine like that, because you can get really good drops- on Viking.
    On Pirate i don't play that much, so i don't really care:)
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Sure, getting more adventures quicker is fun for High to Extreme Energy builds, but those with low energy would really hate that. Cause High Energy builds would get Skill Points quicker than them. To compare: I have 4000 Energy on Pirate Clan, the first Easter Island Adventure I unlocked I completed on Level 2450. And now I will do the Adventure over and over to drop literally thousands of Mateys.
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    I think it's fine as it is... All locations after a point have adventures that give away good drops.
  7. I think they have this just about right. It works out pretty good and you get a few extra drops before opening a new one. Leave it as it is.
  8. guineahen

    guineahen New Member

    How about a happy medium of 20 levels?
  9. option #3 if you please

    both pros and cons to shrinking the gaps

    and im thinking more cons than pros
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    If Viking Countries had only 10 Levels for adventures, I'd already be doing Asgard GT adventures and the monster bosses unlocked in the later countries would be available to players who would have a really hard time beating them on their own, if it wasn't outright impossible for them. By my estimation Asgard GT would be unlocked around level 2100 or so, if adventures were available every 10 levels. Or the countries would need many more adventures, making low-energy players go mad, as they fall behind on Skill Points really quickly.

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