[ZS] News January 7 - Cache Server Issues

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Eric, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    We had several cache servers die today and they've since been replaced. This was an unplanned outage. Unfortunately the following information has been reset:
    • Game History Feed Reset
    • Rivals List Reset
    • Ambush Costing Reset
    • Hitlist Cost Increase Reset
    • Faction Feed Reset
    • Gift Counter for the day Reset
    • Misc Help Counters for the day
    • Alerts will be re-shown
    • Boss min dmg sliders will Reset
    • Elite Requests will expire

    We are working on new systems to minimize this impact for the future.

    UPDATE 1:45PM PT: we just had another cache server die on us. These were servers that we upgraded before the holiday break. We are working on setting up new cache servers as we think we have isolated what the issue might be. What this means is that the above will reset again once we have the new cache servers set up.

    UPDATE 3:15pm PT: we will be rolling an urgent update to our cache pool which means that everything above will have been reset again, we will be rolling this update in about 15-min, we have downgraded to a version that we were using pre-holidays which should remove these cache server failures we have been experiencing with the upgraded versions. We apologize for the issues and we are working our best to remove these issues as quickly as possible.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2012
  2. Hemlox Pandemonium

    Hemlox Pandemonium New Member

    No probs! Glad all back up and working :)
  3. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    It's not working, this crap is happening RIGHT NOW again.
  4. i will reset again i guess
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    UPDATE 1:45PM PT: we just had another cache server die on us. These were servers that we upgraded before the holiday break. We are working on setting up new cache servers as we think we have isolated what the issue might be. What this means is that the above will reset again once we have the new cache servers set up.
  6. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Yeah most of us already put that together when everything started to reset again.

    Half my squad is posting in the squad feed about how pissed off they are and annoyed with this game.

    I think a reward for players wouldn't hurt. But only if they logged in during the times your servers failed :) As nobody else is affected by it.
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Seconded, Hash! A useless, but funny little item like "Hardcore Gamer Computer" or something like that. lol
  8. jon french

    jon french Member

  9. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    No I'm talking about about something that makes me say, "Okay maybe this game isn't such a waste of my time."

    At this point, I don't see that happening. Their so called "updates" and "upgrades" don't seem to help out a whole hell of a lot and that's what they spend all their god damn time on. For what? Nothing apparently.
  10. maybe they will release a new world boss,england HA!8th january joke
  11. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    UPDATE 3:15pm PT: New cache pool has been rolled out. We will be monitoring the system throughout the day.
  12. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Monitor the system tomorrow too so we don't reset 4-5 times. Now I have no rivals which is the only place I get people to fight.

    Thanks yet again....#sarcasm
  13. So what

    So what Member

    8 TIMES in one day ...no its not ok

    its far from ok

    i understand problems happen and they do ..I HEAR YOU

    but this is going on all week ,,,its just horrendous today and yes its your worste day
    deleting all the post

    not on

    just because your posting ..server issues ..is not ok

    thats me down 22 hitlistings IN ONE DAY
    gimme a break ...i have all of them and your wantant abuse of the situation is not funny
    close the game down TILL you fix it
    stop seeing it as a way to make cash...thats the insult...and it stings
  14. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    That's all that needs to be said. If you guys see the game going OFF IT'S DAMN HINGES then SHUT IT DOWN until you FIX IT ALL THE WAY.

    Rather than resetting us so people can list us 10-20 times rendering the thought of leveling invalid for at least a day.

    This is pretty pathetic to me.

    "Oh hey guys our server went down and screwed up all your games, we hope you understand."

    Nah, what I understand is that you guys essentially don't give a flying rats ass about the players unless we keep on spending money.

    I haven't spend a dime in a few months and I sure as hell DO NOT plan on spending anything now.

    The game is getting WORSE, not better. Yay you put out 2 bosses THAT WERE LONG OVER DUE ANYWAY.

    Kano, you owe the players more than just an apology.
  15. I love the gift reset, I was able to gift each of my squad!!!! But in the short of it. I was still able to get my GP done!!! :) BTW, pls lift the gifting limit, it should be 1 gift per squad member every 24 hours. Just a thought....
  16. Ace

    Ace Member

    Hash, I don't know if Kano cares about the players or not, but I know that NO business man in their mind would like this to happen. It's unfortunate and I'm guessing they're trying to solve it, sometimes the servers are out of Kano's reach and they have to wait for others to fix the problem.

    Does it suck? Yeah, I found it funny the first time everything reset but then it got awful lol
  17. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Thanks Kano, for getting things working again.

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