need some guidance

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fa Keng Vang, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    hi, I'm basically a dialy player who wants to get serious in this game. Basically did the stam/attack rush from 80-400. Kinda changed pathes a bit. Did a few of the low level areas but now kinda stuck and would like better warriors and items. What do you guy suggest. My profile:

    Fa Borstei
    Level 1045 Pathfinder Viking

    Health 735 / 10160
    Energy 33 / 658
    Stamina 10 / 972
    Total Attack 2311
    Total Defense 955
    Gold 2.173 billion
    Hoard 0
    Income 3.979 billion
    Upkeep 607,164,800
    Bounty 22.931 billion
    Chieftains 577
    Clan 7,099
    Weapons 11,442

    PS. Looking for stronger units than, Cavern Kings (31,32) and weapons stronger then, World Tree Roots (48,45).
  2. Maler

    Maler Member

    I'd suggest going for the Eye of the Tiger Achievements. As for items, you need to decide from where do you want to get the items : Adventures or Boss.
  3. Ace

    Ace Member

    To get strong equipment early, your best bet is to have high leveled on your squad that open strong bosses. Otherwise, those items you're farming right now are pretty good for your level.

    Also, another tip is to watch your income. It's very low for your level.
  4. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    ok, I'll try that, it's just i'm using stamina every 1/2 to 1/3 day to power up to next level.. using bosses to level fast asap. Before when I was 200-600 level I was using battle to fast level. Ususally 6-10 levels a day, now i'm stuck to 3-8 levels a day. I'll try the eye of tiger. Thinking at my current rate I need more time to just get the level 600-900 warriors/units, I've missed the last month or so playing.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2011
  5. Ace is right about your income

    its dangerously low for your level

    those drops your collecting are great for your level

    caravan king is currently what im after(and im level 2640)

    what type of build are you going for??
  6. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    well it changes, Originally just wanted fast level to 2000. But now I really want to change it up. Considering i'm behind in money, stamina, warriors etc.. I want to focus on stamina more to get items and warriors. So i can stand up to assaults. Currently i'm being attacked by like 20-40 random people everyday who are "farming" my income or something.
  7. Maler

    Maler Member

    no, they're farming XP :) 500,000 coins is really low money when you have an income of 200 billion :D
  8. use this post of mine as a guideline of what build you want

    i posted a few builds that are most common

    of course those are just guilds and can adjust accordingly if ya wish

  9. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    i'm a tank/defensive parasite already... considering i used to level 6-10 a day on my stam build i don't really see wut ur "class" means much considering u gotta do quest/achievements more to get more stats per level then say your peers.
  10. id actually consider you a new type of parasite from what your stats say

    whats this about more quests for more stats??
  11. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    it's not really a tank/def. parasite build. I just think i'm that. It's a generic stam build you find if you google, "viking clan startup guide". The stam build works good. At first it's slow.. but once u hit level 300+ it's very VERY fast. every ten levels i spend my Favor points on stam and woot another 5+ levels. Now it's not working so good but on good days i level like 5 per day. I stopped the stamina build since level 700 focusing on defense (from 100 or so to 600 now) and increaseing my energy, (from 500 to 700). Gonna try to get the 1,000 stamina achievement and then try the HP one. IT was really fun back in level 500, cuz you would like hit some defensive people like 400 times for 100-200 exp and needed a full healing every 4 hits cuz you're only 300HP.

    satanist I'd like to see your stats too, considering u like to classify builds etc...

    and finally why do i need so much gold? i mean it's useless! kinda like how gold is used in farmville. I have no use of gold besides the tiger achievement goals. at 1000 Level there is nothing i want to buy, warriors or weapons, not until level 1200.
  12. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
  13. kennycjr

    kennycjr Member

    you buy a stam refill, and woohoo, you're able to fight your way to another 5 levels? you're eventually gonna come against a rather impenetrable wall when suddenly about everyone is close to 2000 chiefs and you've not been buying hired chiefs. somewhat curious of your logic of how it's worthwhile to get a stam refill, when you're getting much less that 10 levels off of it.
  14. szilard92

    szilard92 New Member

    Kenny is right. I have started buying hired around level 1600 :( I also bought stam refill back then, but now, at level 1840 I know I didn't do it right. majority of players at my level have 1500+ cheifs, I only have 1100 :| at least my weapons and warriors are pretty good, but trying to get more from boss fights every day ;)
  15. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    as much as i love battles, I'm doing more boss battles then pvp battle. So i don't really care about that, I mean if you really wanted 1000 chieftain you can spend 3-4 days on the 500+ in a hour and most of the viking add threads/groups. Not a big deal. I stopped the stam build after 700ish. Tho it does still pay considering at my level 20 stamina only does 100-300 exp, while 1 attack does 40-60exp (800-1200 exp for 20 stam).
  16. szilard92

    szilard92 New Member

    I know boss fights are a good way of levelling, but only in later game.

    By the way, at level 1000-1100 you get around 100-110 exp for 1 battle won(if the openent's strenght is like 5-10% lower than yours)
  17. Rag Na Rok

    Rag Na Rok New Member

    You appear to be playing how I used to play when I was your level :) So my advice is: I would seriously spend those FPs on hired chieftains now, rather than later, it's much easier and I wish to the Gods that I had done it that way, but I just didn't realize. As you go up levels FPs become harder and harder to get, especially when XP required to go up doubles after level 1850, and so your remaining 1000 chieftains you'll need (which have to be hired, not recruited from 'add me' groups) will take forever for you to get. You may go up quicker your way, but you will be weaker on higher levels.
  18. Andrew Zelinske

    Andrew Zelinske New Member

    if you're doing more boss battles, then your max health is way too low. I'm about your level, with 21k health, and whenever I summon a boss with more then 6mil health I see a message in orange text telling me my max health is too low and that I'm not doing as much damage as I could be as a result. If I'm not doing my full damage (total attack 1504) to my 6m+ bosses, I bet you're not doing your full damage to your bosses either, so it takes you that much more stamina to do the same punishment. Against the lvl 12 Dragon Whelp I have right now, I just did 198k damage on a 20 stam attack for 452xp. And he's a 8mil hp sucker, so my low health is crippling what I could be doing to him.
  19. Fa Keng Vang

    Fa Keng Vang New Member

    maxing hp now.. since 1000 to 2000 stamina is wayyyy too long.

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