Just a question!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by TyTo94, Nov 16, 2011.


Would you like an official site?

  1. Yes!!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Helll noooooo i won't give up on my curent account!

    4 vote(s)
  1. TyTo94

    TyTo94 New Member

    This is a question for the kano staff..:D

    I was wondering....

    why don't you make a site of your own(an official site) for each game and get rid of this socialization sites ?
    i understand that this sites are the places where you find players easy but ....

    i'll be happy to make a new account on the official site even if i'd have to take it from level -000000

    but this is just me...i wonder if is anyone who thinks that i'm right!!! :D

    I'd like to hear other opinions about this from other players!!! :D
  2. sure i wouldnt mind a official site

    but long as they also remain on the other networks

    i got a account on all 3 networks these games are on

    i wouldnt wanna lose em all(or any of em)
  3. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Starting on an official Kano Site? Sure, sounds fun. And I'd definitely use it.

    And like AS I wouldn't want to lose my accounts on the other sites.
  4. TyTo94

    TyTo94 New Member

    Ok maybe i gone to far with that :D
  5. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    well there are a lot of people that have spent money on these games and i dont think they would be too happy with having to start over on another site since their money has now become "for nothing" wouldnt ya say?
  6. TyTo94

    TyTo94 New Member

    yep that's true to ....but they can make an option that allows you to transfer your accout for those who pay and for those who paid!!
  7. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    stupid idea. never work...............................:(
  8. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Thank you for your feedback. We do have this on our list. Keep watching the Forum for post about new things to come from Kano/Apps ;)
  9. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I don't think you could do this. What if a level 2000 had there account moved? it wouldnt be very fair.

    I do like the idea of an official Kano Site thought.

    Edit: I just seen the poll added. If I couldnt keep playing the game I have now, then no i wouldnt like this.
  10. baha

    baha Member

    Official YES~! as its too full from all the other Kano Games to navigate the info ur looking for. Why they aren't in their own forums entirely? The way it is now is just a mess IMO. There are plenty of ppl who jump in on the wrong threads and make no sense to topics at hand as they do NOT know the situations the majority are discussing~! ANNOYING~! :)
  11. So what

    So what Member

    voted YES ,,,should have happend ages ago
  12. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    if people didnt choose this option then they would be starting all over from square 1 though which would be a bad decision on their part since they would lose everything they had

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