help with farmers

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Bloody Tubesock, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Bloody Tubesock

    Bloody Tubesock New Member

    is there anyone who helps with people who continually farm others? another player's been farming me for about 2-3 months now, every day. before you ask- no i didn't hitlist him, or attack him repeatedly. or if nobody cares to help- maybe give me some tips on the game? seems like since i hit level 400 i lose everytime someone attacks me.

    current stats- 1000 energy, 250 stamina, 6000 health, 510 attack, 800 defense.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Why you were adding all that energy, others were adding to attack. Get your def up to 1000 and see if they can still beat you.

    People are probably attacking you for so long because they can beat you and you don't list them for it. Maybe start dropping some cash until you can get your def up some.

  3. My advice comes from experience. Experience of another, fair enough but still my experience :p

    On two occasions, my very first account (build somewhat like you - DEF > ATK but with less stenge) was harrassed on a daily basis by first, HiDDen and then later, Lisa Cuddy.

    Both very strong attackers in comparison to my DEF.

    I simply stopped playing for a while, stopped levelling up, let them level ahead of me so much that I was no longer within their fighting range and they were unable to attack me anymore.

    Obviously this wouldn't be enough, you would have to refrain from opening yourself up to retaliation from these players but if you don't hitlist them you should have little to worry about.

    The more DEFENCE you add, the more XP you will give these players. This makes you more of a target, having high defence and giving good XP.

    My opinion would be that you have enough defence, work on HEALTH (so that you're not easily killed) and ATTACK (so that you can become more of a threat to other players).

    Use these 'farmers' to increase your counter attack cost, spambush the hell out of them until they get bored of losing against somebody that they used to be able to beat ;)

    Keep adding ATTACK until you can turn the tables on them, harrass them in a similar fashion to the farming that you have endured for however long.

    I think it is too late to stop everybody beating you. You have too much of other stats for that to happen. It's not worth it anyway!

    Impressive fight records consist of LOTS of everything, not having a low amount of losses! Even those who successfully manage to maintain very few losses have very few of everything else.

    If you can't be beaten, you can't kill very many other slayers (if any at all). You can't hunt the hitlist very well because you're unable to do enough damage unless you get VERY lucky.

    Even then, strong people that you attack on the hitlist will just most likely attack you back and ruin your preciously low amount of losses.


    I have seen this from both sides of the coin, it is really not worth it.

    Keep your DEF as it is, increase your health to stop you being killable and improve your more important skills.

    HEALTH, ATTACK, Stamina at a later date once your health and attack are sufficient.
  4. Ace

    Ace Member

    Well, I don't mind if people farm me as long as they don't try anything else.

    If you're not interested into fighting, stack many many points into defense and people will lose and therefore will stop attacking or start giving you free XP, both cases being benefitial for you.

    Since you have 1000 energy at that level, you should manage to level up at a good pace, or so I think, meaning you'll get tough fast enough.
  5. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I used to be a target by attacks a lot too then I added defense like crazy. Now with my 4k defense most people attack once and stop immediately. Its nice staying at full health before I go to sleep then still not being in the hospital when I wake up next day. :p
  6. basically theres 2 types of players that usually get left alone

    A)very little defense so exp sucks for attacks

    B)extremely high defense where no one can beat you

    choice A is more ideal than choice B

    but choice B(if done right)is a nice build
  7. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I have to say I don't agree with A. If people know you have low def, their gonna try for an attack kill or at the very least keep attacking just to get the wins.

    Or maybe that's just how it works for me.
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    And that's how it works. People as Tat or Ares Deimos die a thousand times a day because of their low defense (and because they like picking on fights)

    If you don't want to die, just having around 1200 defense and big health should keep 90% of the game from killing you (easily at least)

    If you don't want to be attacked at all, you'll have to do like Jessica and build an invincible monster.
  9. Stefan Schnitzler

    Stefan Schnitzler New Member

    Hi guys

    im pretty new to this game and level 140 only but i guess i cant agree with some advices here

    well the higher your healths the oftener u can get attacked, so stacking health will result in MORE ATTACKs on u, whats kinda bad

    i only died once since i play this game but i dont have spectate any malus i get when i die, correct me if im wrong with that.
    in my opinion/experience it is great to stack attack, so nobody will bully u when he know u can kill him everytime u want!
    at least u can set Ambushs/traps for a bit money that will piss bullys off!

    well im stacking health, but i do that to need less health when attacking/farming and to make more damage to bosses

    my personal advice for not getting farmed:

    Stack attack/Check your Squad power, is it at maximum? very good!/check your items, have u got the best items u can afford, also for your squad? great!
    than health / it is really great for bosses and you need less healings when you go attack by yourself
    forget defense, or stack so much that nobody will every comes through it, u will get a feeling for how high your defense has to be to stop most of attackers when you attack a lot by yourself
    and dont stack too much stamina/energy unless you dont care about geting attacked, just enough to lvl fast enough, you need your own feeling for that i cant give a exactly advice how to stack stamina/energy

    good luck!

    PS: its only a strategie not to getting farmed, there are quite lot of strategies for this games, if u dont care about getting farmed you can follow another tactic of course like mainly stacking energy/stam just to lvl like hell, its up to your personal preferences at least
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2011
  10. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Once you hit level 300 your going to find everything you once knew, has gone out the window.

    Stacking your attack with no defence, makes you the "bully". Having super high attack with no defence, isn't going to stop players from attacking you. There are not a lot of real players at level 140 so of course your not being attacked much at this level. Wait till your level 300+.

    If your going all attack, you wont really be able to set a lot of ambushes because you'll be the one starting attacks. So unless you back off or play things smart, you will always have to many attacks on a player to be able to ambush them.

    Obviously the OP is sick of being attacked, the only way to stop people from attacking all the time is if he makes sure they lose.
  11. Ace

    Ace Member

    Well, if you don't mind getting farmed, then attack's the way to go. BUT there are plenty people that whack anything they can beat no matter the consequences such as myself. Having high attack won't stop anyone from attacking you, but there's a truth on what you say: You'll have a way to fight back.
  12. Stefan Schnitzler

    Stefan Schnitzler New Member

    @ relentless maybe you are right , well let me take a guess, you are lvl 400 for example, so you are having a nice balanced Character with a good amount of defense. u find yourself against players with lvl 500, 600, 700, and so on
    does it make a difference if u have 10 defense or 10k? if they arent pretty weak like stacking energy/stamina/health only imho they will definitely break your defense and in case they are, i bet they wouldnt try to attack quite often outside of boss fights
    higher lvls are going to break your defense unless you stack so much defense that you hardly leak in other stats, what seems also a viable tactic
    maybe its quite nice to play a "wall/tank" stacking health/defense like hell and get tons of "defensive" XP and also making lots of dmg to bosses

    well however

    @ all my point at this guide/thread was following Question

    is it really worth it to stack a lot of health, what much guys here advice, when you are getting farmed like hell
    more health means that bullys can attack you more often, so does it really worth stacking health in that case?

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