I'm not going to be spoken to, like that, by an obnoxious bimbo that can barely piece together the words to form much of a paragraph conveying what they intend on trying to say.
My current goal was to reach 10,000 health before level 300, a feat which, as far as i know has not yet been accomplished.
lvl 299- Health: 9310/9310
Yes, i may have gotten beautifulxxbutxxdeadly to list me a few times (5 i think) but the majority of my XP lost came from her succulent boobys. Much more preferable to yours, i can assure you!
As i have previously stated, on more than one occasion- You are completely full of shit and i have not, at all, "ran my mouth" about the things i am going to do once i've levelled up. That is yet to be seen, i don't want to spoil the surprise 
I think you have mistaken me for the NympaLympa (Dympa-de-Dooh) but as the chocolate factory has shut down, i have nothing but putrid discharge and mouldy fungus for to be giving to you!
I originally intended to post that negative XP to the world boss feed, then see how quickly i could level up thereafter but i lost interest...
I played some Kino (Der Toten)
Blasted some hoardes with a Zeus Cannon
And no doubt had a lot more fun than you!
I don't care that i will not (may not) have as many kills as you did once i reach 100 days /played, i will be (already am) a higher level, have more of that precious health and in the eyes of Hi5 (the level fanatics) i would be a lot more successful than you.
You keep ranting on about wishing i would get to 300 already, has it not crossed your brain cell that you lose a lot more XP than me per death?
Do you really believe i am going to let you get me up (if i am online, playing Hi5) after only a single booby trap?
That is, assuming that you get me up at all before going negative yourself...
- I don't whinge, i state facts that i encounter and usually make them comically pleasing to myself
- I'm not little, at all, i'm 6'4" in actual fact
- I'm a prick am i? Well that's a matter of opinion but there are three types of people in this world...
Speaking of which...
No prizes for guessing which of them you are. (the furniture of this forum don't even come into it this time)
Last edited: Sep 17, 2011