Greetings whoever. I have played this viking-clan game for a few hours now and I have reached 120-ish. Will anything new happen in the following levels? I find it extremely repedetive(?) to just click "battle" click 2-4 times and then find a new battle until I level up, and then do it again.
You have to decide how you want to build your character... Do you want to be a fighter, have the energy to do thousands of quests to gain the items required to fight successfully or work towards munching bosses for some more powerful lewts at the same time as helping out your clan with skill progression. There are a lot to these games, and that is an understatement. You cannot judge it merely on face value, you must first understand how things work and how to be best at doing the thing that you want to do. TIP: Low health may allow a quicker increase in strength, but leaves you rather pathetic and even if you have enough defence that even higher levels can't beat you, you would have to be lacking attack. Not good. (I will drop no name here, but if people know of him or her than they would understand why even higher level ranges are not safe from feeding this one XP. ) It's either lack attack to boost your def, or level up so painfully slowly that you might see some skills once a fortnight. There Will Be Brutally Honest Facts? Lacking Stamergy sure is one way to go, but there isn't much way to avoid it being so painfully slow.
Well it just seems that its the same thing over and over again when I'm clicking attack all the time. I suppose I'll just have to level up 1-2 pr 10 minutes for now and then figure out if this game is a waste of my useless time.
level 1850 exp needed to level will double level 2500 it jumps again level 3000 it jumps again and your fight list will start to shrink so it does get tougher
It gets tougher with time, but you will level up quite quickly if you put enough time. My suggestion is, don't spend too much time, it's not a game that demands you to play several hours. You'll run out of stamina soon once you get a few levels though.