***BETA*** Facebook Connect Games (fb.kanogames.com)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kendall, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We had several motivations to implement offsite versions of Facebook Kano Games:

    1. Facebook makes it very easy to run a version of a canvas app as a standalone website through FB Connect. Running a version offsite opens up many more marketing channels to promote a game.
    2. We have more control over the version that is off the Facebook Canvas (less FB libraries to load, relying on FB to resize the game viewable area, other misc errors that come in that we cannot reproduce like blank screen, "Content not found" msgs, etc). Now we have an answer when our games our only loading half the page because of an issue with FB.
    3. Facebook applies different rules to on Facebook canvas versions and offsite versions, one which includes Payment methods that can be offered.
    4. Improved performance

    As for merging all players, there are some technical issues with that but we have been considering certain features that could be opened up to all like a battle arena or something but that would take some major refactoring.
  2. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    thanks for the reply and thanks for considering and or trying to make something where we all could play together if we wanted or what not, but back on the beta with what u just wrote will the beta be any faster then the normal one or is there any diff in speed overall or not. well thanks again for making it possible to use trail play and superreward
  3. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    I find the standalone version much better than the one running on FB for a few reasons.

    The lack of advertising clutter and chat boxes getting in the way / popping up at the wrong time / the darker theme being more fitting to zombies than white and blue

    And i'm certain it seems to load quicker for some reason, extending the social feed to show older challenge helps etc seems to come up much quicker for me and i think you should give the hitlist a try on this version and see how you like it. (not that you need any help LOL)

    This Battle Arena sounds like it would be a lot of fun, i wouldn't mind a piece of all these Myspace slayers that think they're gonna survive (without having to actually load up Myspace because i literally cannot stand it! ).

    Would fights in this Battle Arena be recorded as normal though?

    Or would that call for another profile addition like Undead fights and Power Attacks?

    A certain someone thinks he/she doesn't die much for a glass cannon, PLEASE let me at him/her! I will have that fixed in next to no time! (a lot sooner than i could playing from Hi5, and i doubt i would die in the process if it was caffeine killing him/her)

    I will throw the dog a bone, so to speak.. Not implying this anonymous guy or gal is a dog by any means, just using a rather common phrase which fits the situation.
    If they would make me some highly caffeinated toasty-warm beverage to rival my own in taste, i will purposely always 'forget' to booby trap ignoring the fact that i like my bounty being increased :cool:
  4. malific

    malific Member

    Just want to add a little feedback to the idea... It would be nice that whenever you want to switch apps while on the FB canvas version, clicking on another app took you directly to the FB canvas version of it, not the original one.
  5. battle arena sounds like great idea

    interesting to see how my myspace compares to fb and hi5

    pretty sure most of fb would pound me not sure bout hi5
  6. Uhm but isn't the "FB Canvas" version actually the original one? The one running on the FB Canvas?

    I'm not really sure what the best term for this new FB Connect version would be, but maybe it would be that or something. Or simply "the better one"..

    And isn't it coincidental that Facebook have gone for a feature called FB Connect just after Microsoft release their Xbox Kinect.

    One must wonder if they are at all connected.. .. ..

    They won't be i just wanted to point that out, literally. :cool:
  7. jon french

    jon french Member

    Im using this for both ZS and PC and it plays a dream, no cut off pages, seems to run faster, 10 out of 10 to you guys.

    Battle Arena, my word, im getting moist!
  8. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    Has anyone tryed bounty hunting on these new beta versions or whatever there being called? ive done very little hunting over there got a few whatever im just wondering if someone has put anytime in it to see if the hunting is any better.
  9. Does the Facebook connect work with my Myspace Viking Clan game, or is this a start over? Is there a way to transfer in case Myspace gos under?
  10. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Does a motorbike wheel fit on a car?

    And if one managed to bodge it into place, would it go very far? at all?

    Can you honestly not see the funny thing about your question? It's not very small.....

    Oh, and i would like to dedicate this silligadgee kill to the use of this FB Connect version of ZS, i think it was the first time i've caught him from the hitlist and somehow i'm just going to decide that it was because i was using the game hosted where it is :D

    I also caught 3 babies that he put up while riding, but he didn't list me like he usually does when i do that for what i can only imagine as fear of my booby trap...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  11. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    It only works with Facebook players as it is connected through FB. You can start a new account though.

    As we have stated before, if MySpace shutdowns or closes games we will create a way to transition players over to a another network that is supported by the game. We are not sure of what the specifics would be, but for those that have invested many hours and/or cash into their account we will try our best to make sure you are happy with the outcome, it is in our best interest to do so.

    We are still waiting to hear what the new direction is with MySpace and where games fit into that, for now they are still promoted heavily throughout the site so until we hear otherwise as far as we are concerned games on MySpace are not going away anytime soon. Other major developers may be pulling their games off only because of the overhead required to maintain them vs profit is not worth while for them but we have built our games to maintain low overhead while running on other networks.
  12. Whitelock

    Whitelock Member

    I just, with a shock, realized how grateful I am for this new addition.... My facebook profile just got completely blocked for revision or something, well it's unavailable, but hte best part is , with the new FB connect game that was already open, I can now continue playing, where with playing on FB I would now be left in the middle of what I was doing

    Thanks KAno!
  13. Thor Odinson

    Thor Odinson New Member

    sooooo much better this way, great work guys
  14. is there anyway to make a myspace version of this...
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We are looking into the possibility.

    Out of curiosity, do you have a Google account?
  16. yes

    how important is that??
  17. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Different sites offer better external login options than others. Wasn't really related to MySpace offsite, was just curious. :)

    Until MySpace gives better support for an external option, don't think we would be able to do that anytime soon.
  18. i cant get this to work now for some reason

    keeps refreshing itself and wont load
  19. same here. i updated my browser and it still happens. i think it is a cookie issue.

    cookie cookie cookie!
  20. Same here...

    I find it difficult to play from FB (mainly because i don't exist there, but) because i like to play smaller now and i despise the ads to the right of the game on FB.

    I too think it has to be something to do with cookies...

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