[ZS] June 28th Update - New Leaderboard Stats

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    An update was released to Zombie Slayer today which implements some new stats for the Leaderboard.

    Notable changes:
    • Friend leaderboard no longer restricted to active "friends"
    • Friend leaderboard is limited to your top 500 friends with the highest level
    • World leaderboard now shows 4 pages of 30 players per page
    • Your player's stats can be found at the bottom of each World leaderboard page for comparison
    • Hitlist stats are located in their own tab
    • Challenge and Boss stats have been added
    • Factions leaderboard has been added
    Please note that the stats for Challenges Helped and Bosses Helped have only been logging for about the last 3 weeks hence why those values might be lower than expected.

    As always if you have any comments, questions or feedback please let us know.
  2. Ace

    Ace Member

    I deleted almost everyone from my friendlist and I'm not squadded with some friends. I'd like Friends and Squad to be on separate tabs.

    No other suggestions, fun stuff to see :D
  3. malific

    malific Member

    It looks real good to me, especially the last line for comparison (it lets you know quickly how far you are from joining one of the boards). Great job!
  4. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    I like it, although I agree with Ace. If they aren't squad another tab would be nice. Although in my opinion if they aren't squad I don't care in the first place. lol...

    I'd still like to see Punch stats up there on the leaderboard.

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