new battle setup

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by nightstalker, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. nightstalker

    nightstalker New Member

    Just wanted to say the new battle setup sucks.I heal i die.Thats how it goes now.The money players really excell from this and i think its a BIG problem for non paying players.Maybe did on purpose?Just wanted to know what every1 else thinks
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    What level are you at? How much clan do you have? How high is your health?

    Three easy questions that will help you figure out why you keep dying. Maybe you just encountered a Kill-Hunter that will kill you over and over for his stats.
  3. is your health low?????

    that could be your problem

    increase max health to survive easier

    also your damage input and output is increased to
  4. nightstalker

    nightstalker New Member

    no you all dont understand.Before when your health was down so far you were off the battle list.When you healed you didnt pop back up for others to attack right away.Now when you heal to do anything,you are automatically back on the list as soon as you heal.Attack and chiefs isnt the problem.Its the ppl with 2000 chiefs that sit and wait for anyone to heal to hit them.Viking clan did this on purpose to get ppl to spend money to get more chiefs so they wont lose.Seems to be another money skeem for them.Level 1900 2900 attack 1271 chiefs thats me--cant compete with ppl with 2k chiefs at that level--ALL BOUGHT BTW --JUST BS IF YOU ASK ME
  5. Ace

    Ace Member

    Ambush them? :D
  6. nightstalker

    nightstalker New Member

    argh--i give up
  7. Eric Thunderbone

    Eric Thunderbone Active Member

    You should have way more than 1271 chiefs at level 1900 without "buying" (i.e. paying real world money for favor points) a single one. You could have easily gotten 1000 inner circle chiefs. You don't HAVE to keep them as FB friends after you add them in the game, BTW.

    1900 levels equals 1900 FP. If you spent those FP on hired chieftains you would have 570 hired chieftains (and 1570 total). That's not even counting all the FP you can earn for achievements and the like.

    You have CHOSEN to only have 1271 chiefs at this point by clearly spending your FP other places. Don't expect a lot of sympathy
  8. nightstalker

    nightstalker New Member

    yep spoken like a true money spender on there all good thought.Sorry i enjoy the game to much to quit but cant afford to buy points.You can prolly.Just think the new set up is stupid and favors ppl like you.Spend a ton and make them money buddy
  9. you dont HAVE to spend anything

    if done right you can amass favor points without spending anything

    itll take time though

    but im sure youll figure it out
  10. as someone did on one of kanos other apps(pirate)

    all he did was build with virtually no def

    his attack is wicked

    has 1565 clan

    and can beat me when he attacks(i have the full 2000)

    just beef your attack heavily
  11. Eric Thunderbone

    Eric Thunderbone Active Member

    I'm a "true money spender" because I pointed out that you could have had 300 more chiefs (at least) without spending dime one?
  12. Ace

    Ace Member

    Oh just read this: "I heal I die"

    There are only two ways of that to happen:
    -You die within 4 attacks, which means you're pretty weak, people with 1200+ chieftains aren't supposed to die on 4 attacks.
    -Your bounty cost is way too low and you can get chainlisted.

    Both things can be fixed easy:
    -The first issue: Pump up your defense, get properly geared (good boss drops) and try to get as many chieftains as you can soon.
    -The second issue: Invest your cash into land like there's no tomorrow. You should do this even if it isn't your problem since a better income means less deaths AND an easier life to kill your foes.
  13. Jailbait

    Jailbait Member

    Dude stop bitching. your level 1900 and complaining that when you heal you get attacked. Heres a hint, squad with people. if you've reached your maximum facebook friends remove some squad more. When you remove facebook friends it doesn't remove them from squad. another thing, free offers like surveys everyday can help you gain free credits. Instead of bitching on the forum that other people are better than you how about you stop for a second and think about your solutions, its a strategy game so use some dam strategy.
  14. very well said
  15. Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  16. Uncharming

    Uncharming New Member

    I have found that if you have a moderate defense you get attacked more because more experience is gained by the attacker. When I eventually have clanned up with the attackers they apologized and said they preferred attacking me because I gave good experience. Polish Pimpn2 from what I have read is a build that would give very little experience, since the defense is set real low. You simply may give great experience, not be in a Guild that all attacks the heck out of people who attack one of their members, or you were once seen as the aggressor and now that the person can beat you, they will do it any chance they get. Ignore them and play the game if requests to clan up have failed.

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