Feed shortages

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by polishpimp, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I noticed this issue with both my accounts....but its definitely more of an issue with my present one.

    All my feeds never show all of what should be available to me, For example...if a clan member puts out a boss...its not showing up on my boss feed regardless of how many times I refresh. My clan feed is greatly affected as well. I realize that if a player has a huge clan...that it might just be to much info for any one feed...but as is the case with my present account...I have kept my clan size to the bare minimum for a multitude of reasons, by doing this...it has made this issue much more obvious to me...and i would think that having a smaller clan would lessen this affect

    I would imagine you can figure the problem this presents...such as a lack of bosses or missing out on some juicy gossip...lol

    Between the importance of clan size as far as strength goes and the time and difficulty involved in getting 1000 real clan and the problems that come with them....I certainly want to have all the benefits afforded by these clan to be available to me at all times. I even have guild members that dont show up in the feeds at random times......this doesnt seem right at all.

    With the increase in xp needed as a player rises in levels players need everything they can get..Thanks
  2. Uncharming

    Uncharming New Member

    I have noticed the same thing! I often have to go to my guild and click on the Feed tab to help guildmembers with their bosses, quests, challenge helps, elites etc when they really ALL should show up in my feed. Guild members tell us they posted their Boss, but when I look at Boss feed, they aren't always there, but I go to their name and find the Boss post.
  3. I really have nothing to add besides my agreement.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @Kano....No reply?
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We are internally looking to spark up a project to re-work the feed.

    Right now (as you can imagine) it is not an easy technical task to grab all recent entries, especially if you have more than +50 active alliances.

    Things we are looking to include in an update / enhanced Social Feed:

    • showing more active streams
    • updating posts for help after max is completed (boss, adventures, challenges, etc)

    Any other suggestions? We are looking to overhaul the stream to be a little more flexible than the current implementation.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the reply . Ty for working on it and look forward to the much needed update. As I stated previously....with the importance of getting such a large clan (1k), it really would be nice to be afforded all the benefits that can come with them.

    what I dont understand though.....I can have multiple clan carrying on a convo in the clan feed and yet my clan feed will sometimes be empty while this is going on.

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