That's okay, I only did 4 trials (the last one worked). Most of my *help* was listing the items and strengths that could be used.
You have successfully crafted the following item: Cellular Gun 24 Attack 22 Defense Quantity Crafted : x1 You used the following items to complete this Blueprint: Gold Brick Diamond Knuckles Lead Pipe x1 Cellular Gun has been Added to your inventory. x1 Gold Brick has been Removed from your inventory. x1 Diamond Knuckles has been Removed from your inventory. x2 Lead Pipe has been Removed from your inventory. Crafting this item cost you $150,000
You have successfully crafted the following item: Tequila Flamethrower 45 Attack 35 Defense Quantity Crafted : x1 You used the following items to complete this Blueprint: Magnum El Diablo Carcano Carbine Beretta Cheetah x1 Tequila Flamethrower has been Added to your inventory. x1 Magnum El Diablo has been Removed from your inventory. x1 Beretta Cheetah has been Removed from your inventory. x1 Carcano Carbine has been Removed from your inventory. Crafting this item cost you $30,000,000
For throwing together the recipe for Giantsbane, 1 item is a Giant Sword. Anyone with a hint on where that item can be found?