What am I missing here? These so-called legendary warrior types cost out the wazoo to buy and maintain and their stats suck. Something about them I don't know?
just get what you need for advens stick with balders for warriors for weapons unless you have drops greater than the fire sword stay with the fire sword
They are absolutely useless due to their astronomically high costs. There are a few adventures that require you to save up for several weeks and buy a few but for battle the best advice is to leave them alone. Even the top incomes in the game can't afford to field any significant number of them and the upkeep to the moon will lower your bounty down to a joke. Again Kano, Eddie, wtf is up with this??? No one can afford them! Legendary Properties or lower the cost hundredfold...or thousandfold Legendary Sniper Attack: +29 Defense: +30 Upkeep: -22,000,000 Cost: 480.000 billion Legendary Odin Sword Attack: +45 Defense: +45 Upkeep: -42,000,000 Cost: 960.000 billion
Even if the stats were upped, NO ONE HAS THAT KIND OF INCOME, Not even the great McDuck! The only way to make them viable is to lower the costs 100X or 1000X
So I was right, they're not worth it. Heck, I'm not even carrying them after I complete the adventures I need 'em for. As soon as the next one opens up I sell 'em all. I can get better gear and troops for free adventuring.