Time to start whining! WWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I will make about 50 or 60 threads about this and do nothing in game to combat this just whine in here about the mods and admins erasing my whining threads. lmao
i agree with that if they hide they shouldnt be able to compete in the rankings i think kano should work on that .. and getting some kinda reward i think would be awesome tooo it would also give the players that been here a long time would spend more time and be on more making sure they got there points if that were the case putting something new like that would deff bring back alot of older players a lil more
I think only visible ( UN-hidden ) factions should be able to win any trophies, that is what you were saying, right? Maybe reduced GP gains for hiding your faction, making you have to work harder if you lack the testiclars to show your faces. Nothing drastic just a 10% reduction or something.
I still don't see the point of GPs. You forced players to quit the game due to not being "active enough" and now you just make it worse by making war a problem since you can't fight enemies properly just because some random factions can't be on world leaderboard of GPs? What kind of trash argument is that? This is the worst development that has been made in quite some time. Blood explained it perfectly, there's no actual need to be on a faction, just that some people like to have the chance to bully their entire fightlist and whine when they're bullied by bigger boys.
Its real funny, all these So-CALLED Leet Factions .... They like to Talk the Talk but they are all Scared and Hiding... Too funny. Its not like we cant find you .......
now THAT is something that can get agreed on that is taking the coward way im straying off topic here but cant stress this enough if they wanna hide then dont let them compete in the ranks
The big boys are always available even by looking at the leaderboard, I think this is a good idea for the sake of low level players that get listed for fun just because their leader is hiding in hospital and the higher level person has to take it out on someone
You can still find lower levels in the faction feed. They should block that too. Now I love feeding on the faction feed!
Well Yeah it's real lame that theres this new hiding feature. I mean c'mon! I got hoes to slap! I'm gonna head off. Gotta harvest my crops! Err umm... fight zombies...
No, it's in reference to a player (there's one I'm thinking of in Pirate Clan, but this could very well be aimed at someone else) that whined and spammed and whined about the spam being deleted and spammed about the whine being deleted and... Anyways, this is a satyr (lol) post. Killer Towel?