[ZS Facebook] Developer Update - Facebook Credits

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, May 2, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We have enabled Facebook Credits as a new option to purchase UN Credits from the UN.

    Facebook Credits will become mandatory for all Facebook canvas games to use as their single payment method starting July 1st, 2011.

    Let us know if you have any issues or concerns.
  2. so does that mean the UN page is going to look similar like hi5?
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Hi5 coins and FB Credits have many behind the scenes differences (exchange rates, developer revenue sharing, user base, etc) but yes eventually FB Credits will be the only option to buy UN Credits from the UN Page.

    In the coming months we plan to make some changes to the UN page in preparation for FB Credits to ensure a smooth transition.

    RjBESTNUB Member

    Great <><

    Sounds good i like it. Will be good and easier to go through id say. Im back on Zombie Slayer start of yesturday. A.K.A DEATH CLOCK .

    Thankyou Kano.

  5. jon french

    jon french Member


    I know you have no choice but to go with facebook Credits as Facebook are making it mandatory for all Apps, however why do we get a worse deal using facebook credit to buy UN than the current system?

    Couple examples:-

    Current system - 214 UN Credits = £24.26/$39.75
    New System - 200 UN Credits =24.42/$40.00

    Slightly more expensive to get 14 less UN! Its gets worse....

    Current system - 560 UN Credits = £60.66 /$99.42
    New System - 500 UN Credits = £61.04/$100.00

    Again but this time you lose 60 UN, this seems pretty underhand revenue generation to me.
  6. jon french

    jon french Member

    Would like a response to this please
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I thought I responded to this already, anyways.

    Facebook Credits is mandatory to be the sole currency used to buy virtual goods for all apps in Facebook July 1st.

    We have released Facebook Credits early to give people a chance to use them if they wish and to become familiar with them.

    Other payment methods currently hold a more favorable exchange rate, but that being said we will be adjusting purchases with Facebook Credits to be in line with the current $$ amounts that are offered and we will eat exchange rate cost of Credits.
  8. Please excuse me for being callous, but what cost are you eating?
    properly coded, only a single variable would need to be changed, so Dev time isn't an issue, since you are already being forced to implement this.
    And virtual currency is a 0 cost resource. it costs Kano nothing to generate it. I don't play on Facebook though the way things with Myspace are moving, I may have to eventually.
  9. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I just updated my original post. The exchange rate cost of Credits vs the other payment methods made available.

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