Booby Traps ?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Putty, May 5, 2011.

  1. Putty

    Putty New Member

    how many booby traps can a person set up at once? i tryed to put a hit on some one and they had booby trap after booby trap on me ??? how many can they set up at once ???
  2. one at a time, in the time it took you to click heal they clicked on your name, then on boobytrap then confirm cost. You must be quite the slow clicker.
  3. Putty

    Putty New Member

    hahaha thanks man i see know it did my head in next time i shall click alot quicker and then hit this ass
  4. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i think if i counted right u can have 55 different people boobyed at one time. but i can reset on people if there slow like warlock said.Booby Traps: 700 im a reseter.anyways help it helps
  5. close.its 50
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    Correct. 50 booby traps, only one per person at most.

    And yeah, you gotta have fast fingers to put someone up, otherwise you're screwed :p

  7. i once got luke 13 times. it was funny because i was totally stressing trying to retrap and was mis-clicking. eventually i ran outta cash and got listed.

    Leo holds the record as far as a know with about 42 retraps on someone.
  8. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    was it really 13 boris? i didnt count that day my net was lagging bad lol. ive reset 22 times on the drinker. i think that the most at one time for me. and yea when i want to kill i kill it dont matter how many times i die believe it or not u mama and kilo r the only 3 that has ever feed me boobys. and once u eat more then 3 hell im doing it till they run out of money or energy. o and naw of the above have never got me more then once lol i will say good job to u boris i cant believe it was i though t was something like 7 or 8.
  9. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    and not to be a jerk or anything im going to return the favor when or if u try to list me and im online lol but it was fun to have someone do to me what i do to others lol
  10. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    `and i want to know who eat 42traps in a row if u know?
  11. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    in vikin clan i went through 39trill reseting on kel. lol dont know how many it was.

  12. Mayhemandhavoc so i am told

    argh... it was aranged to lose XP.... so F that, that doesnt count. highest i know then is 27 on jessica ga by sarah mcfister
  13. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    o i almost forgot befor me and may were freinds i feed her many traps one day then within 1hour of doing it we were buddy lol. but i dont be counting lol.anyways thanks boris for the info.
  14. Ace

    Ace Member

    Actually, The Warden broke Leo's record with 47 booby traps in a row on Mayhem. She paid back with over 20 listings though lmao
  15. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    lol i got may real good one day feed god knows how many boobys and then listed her 20times it was before she knew u didnt have to keep all ur outbreak gear and she was cheap all the way around.but may is a good girl and ill always look out for her now lol
  16. ahh the old fall back huh? Beat them so they know their place... or you been drinking... or you're angry at something.... or the patriots didn't make the playoffs, or the Mavericks won, you know good valid reasons..... but nobody else better ever say or do anything against them??

    way too much effort for me to go through, I's lazy.

  17. you have got me once before 2 or 3 times multi
  18. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i though so to but didnt remember didnt want to say i did and didnt u know one thing im not a lier lol.
  19. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    yes the mavericks winning is a good valid reason, i concur...LoL

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