In-Game Message Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by daz, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    New ideas:

    I'm getting annoyed by your hit and hide tactics!
    Fight a straight battle!
    Give up already!
    This is pointless.
    I can keep doing this all day.
    You attacked a friend of mine. (We really need that one. After all, we do not only stand in for Guild/Faction/Syndicate/Armada members)
    You're messing with the wrong people here.
    You're on my Battle List, therefore no. (In response to "Can you leave me alone please?")
    You brought this upon yourself.
    I will not bow to you.
    I will show you the true meaning of war!
  2. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Yeah, a certain player attacked me 80 times in 3 minutes. Even with 25 attacks, Counters were SUPER cheap! And he just kept telling me to "Stop countering and fight with honor."

    My defense got him about half the time and I wiped the floor with him when I DID attack.
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Viking Clan still needs a "You are the only one on my Battle List" message. Pirate Clan has it already.

    And I think I need a "I want the XP" message more than the Battle List one. There is a "I wanted the coins from your Bounty!" message justifying bounty attacks and players have suggested some about Gamer Points, but not one explaining attacking for XP.
  4. mob has "oh im sorry did that hurt?"

    that one would be great on the other apps
  5. Ace

    Ace Member

    I want Mob's "Bring it on!" on other apps when people start bragging with those crappy "Prepare to die." messages lol
  6. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Viking and Pirate Clan have the messages "You punched me" and "You attacked me". Punching is the Mob Wars version of Axe Slap/Pistol Whip, right? So the messages SHOULD be:
    Pirate Clan - "You whipped me."
    Viking Clan - "You slapped me."
  7. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Is that the best you got?
    Thanks for the xp! (keep going)
    You pose NO threat to me, go away.
    I eat snacks like you for breakfast!
    I get better experience watching Dora the Explorer, You're not worth the stamina!

    And of course...
    Shouldn't you be playing bingo or something?
  8. our guilds/armadas/syndicates/factions are after the same thing
  9. you lose more than you win
  10. That Tickles!!! (for those who try to green you to death)
    Seriously?? (how many times have you just wanted to say this in response to a stupid message?)
    Somebody in your guild made me angry (for when you take out your frustrations on another member of somebody's guild)
    You are a tyndall and must die!! (How do we not have this message already?)
  11. nice try better luck next time

    im not stupid

    are you stupid

    predictable(specially for those that think you have no idea they got counters set)

    talk is cheap

    my granny hits harder than you

    a 2yr old is smarter than you

    you got a brain the size of a walnut
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  12. i know who you are(for those that think changing their name will hide who they are)
  13. cHeLLe88

    cHeLLe88 New Member

    we need more reply messages to "Lets join forces, come and join my guild!" and "Lets be Clan allies, add me."

    Can we please add" Lets not and say we did!"
  14. indeed viking STILL needs this
  15. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    In response to the "You attacked my Armada/Guild member," there is the "Let your Armada/Guild member fight their own battles."
    But what about the players that constantly start whip/slap/punch parties, ask for battle help, AND (harder to verify) ask Armada/Guild/clan to place bounties on you?

    How about
    "Coward, leave your clan out of this!"
    "Your clan started it." --> this is because I keep getting messaged by Guild/Armada members with stuff like "Ye attacked my Armada member. Stop crying to my inbox and get yourself a tissue. Prepare to die," and so on.
  16. THIS IS A MUST lol


    for the players your 99% sure are stoned or high while playing :D
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  17. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member


    I second the motion for a message reading:
    "Dude...wait, what?"
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  18. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Some of the apps are missing "I wanted the coins from your bounty" (or equivalent)

    And perhaps we could have an answer for "Why are you picking on me?"
    You give me good xp / You leave your money out / You taste so good!
  19. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    "You attacked my faction/Guild/Armada member"
    "You whipped/punched/slapped me"
    "You attacked me"
    "You attacked my Armada/faction/Guild member"
    are the CURRENT answers to that question, but those 3 suggestions are sorely needed. And maybe there should be a "Because you pissed me off" message or "Because". :cool:
  20. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Your Message: Thanks. LOL! Keep Trying! - I like the XP! -

    I just been fed xp, and he stopped :eek: I want more free xp it's handy.
    I didn't quite have the means to tell him why he should keep going.

    I was just itching to say this, but was sadly unable.
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