new members the site seems to be preventing the pasting of urls try having your url in your signature see if that works. also its stopping new users from adding photos to posts
"New" as in "just joined"? Or "have low post count"? If the former, then sounds like a bug to me. If the latter, then it makes sense.
new as in just joined im only taking a complete guess thinking that was added in after the massive spam accounts joining 1 after another posting all kind of spam
If it's not a bug, then I would think that's the purpose. That's the only reason I can think of for any of it; preventing spam.
This is outrageous! This is a Chartreux! Who wants a Chartreux when they can have a Siamese or a Birman? As for first posts without URL's, somehow you have to discourage these spammers. And not being able to post their spam immediately usually discourages them.
There was a lot of spam links being posted so we made some additions/changes. If you haven't made a few posts then you will not be able to post a url in the add me topic. Clearly you have already found a way around this though