Magnetic Charges Crafting Hint

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DarkStratus, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. DarkStratus

    DarkStratus Administrator

    Magnetic Charges
    Two items, neither is a gift
  2. SweetJennyLee

    SweetJennyLee New Member

    Is it a weapon, not armor or vehicle?
  3. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    DarkStratus, can u possibly post a message with the amount of items and whether or not the hidden blueprint is a weapon, armor, or vehicle in one long message? i would greatly appreciate it so that i do not have to try to find the post where your comment is located
  4. You have successfully crafted the following item:
    Magnetic Charge

    Magnetic Charge
    41 Attack

    32 Defense

    Quantity Crafted : x1

    You used the following items to complete this Blueprint:
    Information Kit

    x1 Magnetic Charge has been Added to your inventory.

    x1 RPG-7 has been Removed from your inventory.

    x1 Information Kit has been Removed from your inventory.

    Crafting this item cost you $60,000,000
  5. SweetJennyLee

    SweetJennyLee New Member

    Thank you for posting, Don Go Breaking My Heart!
  6. Doc Morpheus

    Doc Morpheus Member

    Thank you. I have been trying that combo many times along with other items - didnt know it had to be only those two items!!
  7. I wouldn't have attempted it but for the fact that it didn't require gift items.

    I looked at the items available for the level/location and tried all of them, even the Platinum Machete, but because the High Roller drops aren't listed around the items I didn't try it until last.

    The Guerrilla Uniform uses the High Roller armor drop, and the Hovercraft uses the High Roller auto drop with a gift, so I thought I should try the High Roller weapon drop and BOOM.

    There may be a pattern to these.
  8. McGirt

    McGirt New Member

    Anyone know about the steel harpoon gun?

    Anyone know about the steel harpoon gun? Any help would be appreciated thanks
  9. mehtabharat

    mehtabharat New Member

    Thanks for sharing the valuable info.
  10. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    Where do I find the information kit?
  11. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    nevermind...i found it.

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