So, in the hopes that this will make it easier for players searching for recipes, I made this thread. I will edit this first post whenever I hear about a new unlocked recipe. 
I hope this helps. If you know a recipe that isn't on here, just send me a message and I'll post it.
This is a collection of recipes - I did not discover all of them (I got a few).
Viking Clan
Highland's Longbow: North Midgard level 2
- 2x Serpent Clawblade
- 1x Chainmail Armor
Ebony Knife: South Midgard level 15
- 1x Pillager's Tunic
- 1x Pillager's Axe
Njord's Champion: Aegir's Sea level 75
- 1x Hurricane Master
- 1x Royal Hersir
Aegir's Trident: Aegir's Passage level 140
- 2x Aegir's Warship
- 1x Hero's Warship
- 2x War Elephant
Skyshine Blade: Vanaheim level 300
- 1x Scroll of Vanir Knowledge (not consumed)
- 2x Minotaur Hoof Club
- 1x Thunderstoke Mace
Under Giant: Niflheim level 420
- 2x Frost Giant
- 1x Viking Axes (not consumed)
Giantsbane: Jotunheim level 600
- 1x Rock Giant Hammer
- 1x Giant's Blade
- 1x Blessed Oil
Steel Sword: Alfheim level 620
- 1x Alfheim Dagger Set
- 1x Skull Dagger (not consumed)
- 1x Viking Dagger (not consumed)
Blood Spewer: Nidavellir level 760
Hellfire Chariot: Muspell level 900
- 50x Fire Chariot
- 50x Fire Wingsuit
Poison Stroke: Helheim level 930
- 1x Hel's Blade
- 1x Hel's Tunic
- 1x Poison Arrows
Skymaiden: Vingolf level 1600
- 2x Goddess
- 1x Sacred Well
Aurora Spear: Asgard level 2000
- 1x Odin Favor Charm
- 1x Iwas Rune
- 1x Stonecrack Hammer
- (unverified by me)
Autumn's Hammer: Midgard - Godly Trials level 2500
Aurora Knight: Alfheim - Godly Trials level 2900
Stonepillar Axe: Nidavellir - Godly Trials level 3350
Damned Elven Queen: Muspell - Godly Trials level 3650
Pirate Clan
High Calibre Flintlock: East Tortuga level 1
- 1x Dagger
- 1x Treasure Map Portion
Pleasurecraft: West Tortuga level 15
- (one is purchased, the other is a Challenge drop)
- 1x Brigantine
- 1x Brigantine
Aztec High Priest: Tenochtitlan level 30
- 1x Aztec Warrior
- 1x Oceanic Pilot
Chinese Sea Dragon: Peking level 75
- 1x Imperial Patrol Ship
- 1x Dilapidated Wreck
Snap Flashes: Barbary level 115
- Silver Flintlock Pistol
- Deck Clearing Musketoon
Silverspike: Atlantis level 175
- 2x Atlantis Blade
- 2x Red Pearl Compass
- 1x Bottle of Grog (not consumed)
Minstrel Maiden: Port Royal level 300
- 1x Treasure Chest
- 1x Jaguar Knight
Rusted Hook: Davy Jones Locker level 510
- (even though you can get these items early, you can't craft this until you are level 510)
- 1x Cursed Hook
- 1x Silver Hook
- 1x Captain's Hook
Bahama's Bar Shot: Bahamas level 760
- 2x Tentacle Whip
- 1x Spanish Shipping Schedule
- 1x Bottle of Grog
Silent Assassin: Japan level 880
- 1x Samurai
- 1x Evil Eye Talisman
- 1x Wise Old Spirit
Prison Transport: New Orleans level 1300
- 1x Water Taxi
- 1x Zombie Compass
- 1x Captain's Spy Glass
Old Tyme Sniper Rifle: Drifting Turtle Island level 1430
- 1x Twin Blades
- 1x Coral Cutlass
Zeppelin: Bombay level 1650
- 1x Sea Wolf
- 1x Condor Feather
Steam Cannon: Aurora Glacier level 2050
Chain Rifle: Easter Island level 2450
Bladeboot: Fiddlers Green level 3160
The Argo: Athens level 3360
Rage Spirit: The Lost World level 3860
Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra
Razorblade Tophat - Level 55 - Location: London
- 2x Incriminating Photos
- 1x Assault Rifle
- 1x Titanium Switchblade
- thanks to Thrill
Cellular Gun - Level 90 - Location: Las Vegas
- 1x Gold Brick
- 1x Diamond Knuckles
- 2x Lead Pipe
Snow Plow - Level 120 - Location: Moscow
- 1x Yacht
- 1x S.W.A.T.Bearcat
- 1x Turret-Armed Humvee
- thanks to WHELER
Flamethrower Lamp - Level 170 - Location: Dubai
- 1x Sheik's Scimitar
- 1x Explosive Zippos
Transformed Car Robot
- 1x Supersonic Train
- 1x Helicopter
- 1x RAH-66 Commanche
Tequila Flamethrower - Level 360 - Location: Tijuana
- 1x Magnum El Diablo
- 1x Beretta Cheetah
- 1x Carcano Carbine
Magnetic Charges - Level 420 - Location: Medellin
- 1x RPG-7
- 1x Information Kit
RG41 Rolling Thunder - Level 700 - Location: Johannesburg
- 1x Safari Jeep
- 1x Harley Davidson
- 1x Ford Torino
Steel Harpoon Gun - Level 850 - Location: Bangkok
- 10x Diamond Cleaver
- 10x Attack Chimp
- 10x Zastava CZ99
Rolex Garotte - Level 1000 - Location: Rio de Janeiro
- 1x Incendiary AK-47
- 1x Milkor M32 MGL
- 1x Porsche 911
Attack Gyrocopter - Level 1240 - Location: San Francisco
- 1x Hot Rod
- 1x Combat Yacht
- 1x Gold Jet
- thanks to WHELER
I don't play Mob Wars, so I can't say how true those recipes are, but I've tested all the Pirate/Viking Recipes.
NOTE: I believe I have all the Viking and Pirate Clan recipes so far.
If someone has the Mob recipes, post or message me and I will add them. Please don't send visible recipes; this thread is ONLY for Hidden Recipes. Thank you.
Last edited: Feb 16, 2012