Stamina and Energy Achievements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by S.III, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. S.III

    S.III New Member

    When is a good time to start going for these achievements? I'm currently level 294. Or is it even worth it? 30 skill points can go a long way but in the end is it worth it or no?


    Edit: Oh ya, I'm mostly a pvp build.
  2. stamina most defo.that should of been started isnt as important but still dont neglect it.
  3. S.III

    S.III New Member

    Thanks, currently both of those stat are in the 200's, I just don't wanna neglect my other stats in the process.
  4. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    My suggestion? Defense, you're gonna need it when you break the level 250 ceiling.
  5. S.III

    S.III New Member

    Thank's, although I've gone up quite a few levels already I feel like these acheivement's are totally useless in the end and will focus on defense now.
  6. achievements=skill points
    skill points=power

    not good to just totally ignore them altogether
  7. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    Imo the stamina/energy achievements are not worth getting as you don't need that much energy/stamina, only benefit is to help you level faster which doesn't matter if you're pvp based as higher level = less people to fight.
  8. S.III

    S.III New Member

    Thanks for the replies everyone, I appreciate everyone's input and experience who has played for a long time. I agree Jay, 500 energy and 1000 stamina just seems like a complete waste of skill points to just get 15 and then 15 more skill points in a pvp build. Besides if your that type of build already you should lose VERY few fights which is what I've noticed and what I'm really digging about the game, taking level 500's makes the game very interesting, the only issue with that is their health lol you can use a lot of stamina to put them in the hospital.
  9. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    You can never have too much stam, energy is different. I don't have the energy achievement and I'm level 650. Once you have done the outbreaks energy is worthless.

    Health is very important and if you're a fighter you're going to want lots of that along with attack. Remember the higher you go the less people there are to fight, don't make your character a one trick pony....
  10. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    I got one, then distributed my points evenly every level.

    When I got another achievement, I split the points between the ones left over, then the two left, then I pumped the final one.

    Now I stoke Defense and laugh at my attackers.
  11. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    from what it looks like to me, 90% of the players pump all their points into defense and attack..which means they have to neglect another stat. which stat should i have neglected?

    i know i started off early pumping energy and have 580 and have also gotten the 10k health achievement and am now ignoring energy stamina and health to pump attack and defense..I passed beyond the 500 defense achievement but my defense is still not enough to win against 95% of the people who attack me..I have alot of attack skill (more than 2 times my level) and can beat everyone that appears on my fight list except for 4 people...these 4 people appear to have over 3 times their level in defense skill and on top of that they have enough attack skill to beat my defense which would require them to have at least 1.5 times their level in attack which means they neglected some other stat that I put points into.....

    right now I have 240 stamina but I'm afraid to put more points into it because it seems like my attack and defense are so far behind par that if I try to put anymore in there I'm going to fall even farther behind.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
  12. Tylerbmiller

    Tylerbmiller New Member

    I say that Health, defense and attack are most important stats you should keep on. They pretty go hand in hand with each other. health will raise the attack and defense power of your slayers to a degree. stamina is second. and I say forget about the energy award. Energy is only good in jobs that about it. if you raise your energy to about at least 500-600 you be good.
  13. energy is the only one to neglect.the other 4 are too important.
  14. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I agree, though I won't say neglect as there are a lot of Outbreaks to complete, each giving you valuable skill points. I'd say enough energy to get through Outbreaks at a reasonable pace. There are currently 130 of them at an average of say 5-6 SP each, that's a lot of SP to 'neglect'.
  15. ok i did phrase that badly so allow me to rephrase it.

    energy is the only one you can get away with not increasing alot.but make sure you got enough of it for completely outbreaks at a fair pace.but once at that you can neglect it.
  16. All but the energy achievement will come on their own as the result of building your character. 1000 energy only makes sense if you are not a frequent player assuming that ZS is like the other apps and only recovers 500 energy per level. Due to the low battle cap I would say that stamina is the most important achievement to go for since it precludes the possibility of having a level partner once the fight list runs out...which seems to me to run out very early on compared to the other apps. So inevitably you'll be forced to level off bosses which eat stam.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
  17. zs recovers 1000 energy i believe
  18. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I have to say I'm impressed, of all the talking towel's I know you must be the most intelligent :D
  19. malific

    malific Member

    The energy refilling cap is 10,000 (which is practically a full refill) each time you level up, but it regens every 4 minutes, which becomes slower than the other apps in the long run since thereĀ“s no way of improving the regen.
  20. Kamandi2

    Kamandi2 New Member

    I'm taking a different tactic. I'm not big on fighting part of the game and don't really go after other slayers. I used to find that once I got to higher levels, I was getting hit all the time. So, I started to use Ambush, Booby Trap, etc. That got expensive.

    Then I went another route. I stopped anything on defense. I'm approaching level 600 and my defense is only 621 and that's most likely where it's going to stay. If you don't want to be attacked, don't waste points on defense, and instead, get your health up to 10,000. Then, as long as you are below 2,000 health, you cannot be attacked. I make sure that I spend my Stamina in such a way that I only briefly have more than 2,000 health. I know how many 20 point attacks I can make on a boss to go from full health to under 2,000. It's 6 or 7 attacks, so I wait until my Stamina is 140 or more points before I spend any of it.

    When I'm ready, I grab a boost, open the boss screen, bring up the boss and move the slider to spend 20 points. Then I power attack. It says I need to heal, so I hit the heal button. It then takes less than 10 seconds to hit the boss 6-7 times to drop me down below 2,000 again.

    By not putting anything extra in defense, on the very rare occasion that someone does attack me during that 10 seconds, they can only make 1-2 hit on me and it drops me below 2,000. The 2,000 is a nice buffer. Even if I was at 2,001 health when they hit me, they only do enough damage to drop me down to maybe, 400, but usually in the 500-900 range.

    I got the all the stat achievements and now I pump everything into attack. That way, when they do hit me with that single hit, they take massive damage back. :D

    And, the energy is most definitely not a waste. I'm considering going higher than 1,000 but doubt I will (with the refill cap being 1,000). I'm leveling much, much faster because that energy is filled every time I level along with another 1,000 energy a day from the boost. Especially when you frequently get big XP boosts from your top squad when doing outbreaks. That helps me to level very quickly. I'm going up 1-4 levels a day (depending on when a death deal/shooter ends, world boss, regular boss ending, etc.).
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011

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