About Random Victory Rewards (BOSS FIGHT)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by sselnioc, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. sselnioc

    sselnioc New Member

    Can someone enlighten me on how do i obtain the random victory rewards from each boss after its killed. According to the boss page itself, it wrotes "Rewards are randomly awarded to all players that participated in a battle that defeats a boss. There is a minimum number of attacks required to have a chance at a drop.". So the questions come: (not referring to the UN credits, but the equipment)

    Q1. How many minimum attacks should i hit to get that items? Is it the same for all bosses?

    Q2. So if its a random drop thingy, is there anyway to improve the chances on getting? Like getting the top few number of hitters?

    I would really appreciate it if any of you guide me on this.
  2. waldo1984

    waldo1984 Member

    This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but about the only real guidance I've seen is the "minimum damage" value that's sometimes shown for the helper and minimum damage rewards. However, having said that, I don't think I've ever seen any of those random victory rewards except in the instance where I've done at least half the damage needed to kill a boss.

    Given that I almost always do just enough to get the minimum damage rewards, I'm sure someone else will have a better idea, though.
  3. seth the chef

    seth the chef Member

    Thats the best answer I personally could give also. Anytime i help with someone else's boss, i only do the one's i haven't unlocked yet, I always make sure to do well over the minimum damage so i can get those big items i don't have access to yet
  4. sselnioc

    sselnioc New Member

    some points i could share, i did get the random victory rewards quite often as a helper, i would usually make sure i get over 50 hits, though my 1 hit could easily dealt great damage to it. This is what i would suggest to get the random awards:

    1. Get over 50 hits each and every time, though some bosses have 2 random rewards, i would usually get 1 at least
    2. I separated my attack into 4 stamina 4 atks, if you realize if u choose to go power attack of 20 lets say, it would counted as 5 stamina for 1 attack, its only if u choose the power attack of 4 then i will count as 4 hits.
    3. Damage i have yet to figure out to improve the chances, but i could say as long as u got the minimum damage, and with the above criteria, u have high chances of getting at least one random reward if there is 2, or the random reward if it got only 1 of 70%.

    Do hope the people here would share more on their experience.
  5. seth the chef

    seth the chef Member

    on myspace if you use a 20 stam power attack it counts it as 20 attacks, not sure why it would be different on facebook but who knows
  6. blackandy

    blackandy New Member

    about the damage

    you need to do at least damage as the boss health :10
  7. blackandy

    blackandy New Member


    if the boss have 2,560,700 you need to do 25.607 damage
  8. if there is no min damage then you need 2 hits minimal.if theres a min damage and you can get it in 1 power hit(not using 20 stam but the normal 5)you WILL get the min damage reward.
  9. it counts as 4 attacks not 20.
  10. waldo1984

    waldo1984 Member

    I know this is somewhat off topic, but I wonder at the efficiency of doing a lot of boss battles given the ROI of XP per stamina point spent?

    Granted, I understand that boss fights are the only way to get boss drops, and boss drops are more powerful than equivalent weapons & warriors purchased from the market, but just to take one example; if I spend 20 stamina in order to do the minimum damage necessary for the Trickster Blade, but it's dropped from a level 30 Loki and I'm getting perhaps 150 XP total, I'm thinking that's a loss of anywhere from 1850 to 2850 XP that I could have gotten from battles (assuming 100-150 XP average per hit).

    With one boss, this isn't that big a deal, but I seriously wonder how this all adds up. If one player does every boss battle possible within his clan for a month and another player avoids all boss battles (even his own), then what happens at the end of the month?

    Just using my own level and typical XP payouts, I'll assume the following:

    Each boss battle varies widely, but provides anywhere from 2.5 to 30 XP per stamina point, for an average of 16 XP.

    Each boss battle further requires anywhere from 5-25 stamina to achieve the minimum damage value, for an average of 15 stamina.

    Each regular battle nets anywhere from 100 to 165 XP per stamina point, for an average of 132 XP.

    If I went looking for boss battles as frequently as possible (with a clan of 1000 humans), I would likely be able to participate in at least 20 battles per day with bosses that drop items useful to me (i.e., better than Market level attack and/or defense values).

    20 boss battles X 15 stamina X 30 days = 9000 stamina per day on boss battles = 144,000 XP.

    9000 stamina spent on battles = 1,188,000 XP = 1,044,000 more XP, if all boss battles were ignored.

    So I'm wondering...

    Assuming you're level 1000 when you start, and you assume an average of two weapons per boss battle, would you rather have the 120 boss weapons or over 750 levels?

    Obviously pretty much all of this was completely arbitrary, and I pulled all of these numbers out of my ass, but you get the gist of the argument, I'm sure.
  11. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    What I have noticed on bosses, they have 4 types of drops:
    1. Boss Owner Reward - the person who started the fight with the boss ALWAYS gets this.
    2. Boss Helper Reward - any clan mates who join this fight get this drop, AS LONG AS they have met the "minimum damage" requirement. A person needs to do AT LEAST this amount of damage.
      • There is also the Minimum Damage Kill Reward; it follows the same rules as the Boss Helper Reward, but the owner has a chance at this one, too.
    3. Random Attack Drop - as each player attacks, they have a chance at getting this. It is generally lower-powered than the other drops. The 1-Stamina and the 5-Stamina attacks have one chance while the 10-, 15-, and 20-Stamina attacks (multiples of the power attack) have 2, 3, and 4 chances, respectively.

    I checked my current bosses (VC - Hel and PC - Hydra) for the Reward information.
    What you are asking about is the LAST type of drop: Minimum Attack Kill Reward. I rarely see that type as it appears to replace the Minimum Damage Kill Reward when it appears. There is some arbitrary number of attacks you must do in order to get this (number of attacks is equivalent to number of chances at a random attack drop). This number is a secret and does not appear.
    I almost always get this type of drop when it appears on MY boss; I'm the owner, I attack a lot of times to kill it. But when you help a clan member, it is often harder to get this type of drop; some people place damage limits on their bosses so multiple people can participate.

    I have no hard data or "insider information" other than my personal experience, but I hope this helps.

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