Simple to implement idea here. I think we should have an option where we can make our names clickable in world chat, by default it'd be turned off.
Why not. So people can look at your character and game history to see if want to mob or clan up rather than sending invite blindly. Also so they punch or list you if running your mouth and stirring things up
That was the problem with tavern - too much bullying from people clicking links - without running mouth or stirring
Well its up to you - personally i think be careful what you ask for - there are lots of other things in game that need fixing without regressing to tavern like tactics - its taken years to get that removed
I don't think there were that many people who wanted Tavern removed. There were complaints but it seems to me that most were from people who talked smack and ran crying as soon as anyone called their bluff
I think it was more of tickets sent into KANO daily on breaking chat rules, that could easily be a full time job over 4 platforms X 4 games each. Which I do kinda understand because Tavern was more tolerable than some peoples feelings getting butt hurt.