Just in case people were potentially doubting the ability to finish quests early.
The reduction in jobs in the medium tier certainly helped the quests move along, but I think 5k would have been doable in a fairly similar time frame. That being said, a combination of Jobs Medium and Jobs Hard with Jobs Hard opening last would have been a rather less comfortable combination. A few people in Kongregate floated the question of "Can you get repeat tasks in the same season?". The answer is most certainly yes, although this fact was eluded to in previous changelogs/feedback posts on quests. Suggestions for future quests:
1) If we have a certain type of quest, maybe prevent that type appearing the following tier. This would allow for a bit of breathing space to regen stocks when you complete the first quest. It's just if you have say Jobs Medium and then Jobs Hard then there would be essentially dead time at the start of the new quest where you can't do anything as your energy reserves are tapped.
For example, if you have jobs/boss fights in Easy, then don't allow them into the random pool for Medium. I think this would particularly benefit smaller synds/lower level players where they can't stock resources as quickly. This would also help keep momentum in quest progression.
2) A completion time for each quest would be nice to complement the internal feedback for players. I'm assuming you guys are keeping track of this, and the automated syndboard posts do allow us to keep track of relative timings. But a handy timestamp on the quest header would a nice feature.
3) More hitlists please. This is more personal than a general synd-wide feeling, but all the hitlists going on during the quest period certainly made for some exciting play. [As an aside, more standard list achievements would be nice too to encourage more listing on a regular basis. Honorable lists I don't think need more but I'm not war mode and am at a level where honorable lists are prohibitive cost-wise to do regularly]
Either way, quests are great and with some organisation you can do them fp free too. It's a challenge doing the organising but well herded cats are a force to be reckoned with

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