New "Severely Injured" Statistic

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by JADES, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I'm curious on how these numbers even add up, haven't played all day and informed of new stat.
    Survival Streak: 16, Victory Streak: 14, Severely Injured: 12

    Well 1st off I didn't lose any fights so Victory to survival streak is off, no counters, bounties, bounty hits, etc.
    2nd how the heck can I be severely injured when no one hit me? And especially 12 times for roughly same amount of hits?

    My health might be low but come on now, these #'s way incorrect. Might need a new Abacus :p


    Get's better just checked on S2, and
    Survival Streak: 0 Victory Streak: 0 Severely Injured: 18
    1 person hit me 2 times in last 5 hrs, got listed 5 hrs ago, and got my DPG's in after that , go back to the think-tank on this.
    Somehow I got severely injured 18 times on 1 bounty and 2 attacks? Incoming attacks was only 1 bounty hit.

    Actually what is this stat even intended for, and it's necessity?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    Suzie likes this.
  2. Suzie

    Suzie Member

    Thank you! Well put. Especially, what is it intended to? I got an idea.. instead of adding new stuff all the time... put that time back into fixing the game, removing the bugs and have it running more efficiently.
    JADES likes this.
  3. Rodney Rangel

    Rodney Rangel Active Member

    if you hit a boss or someone else and severely injure yourself i think would be why
  4. Steven Hoover

    Steven Hoover New Member

    Hmmmmm. I guess what we discussed in the Tavern about this might not be so then, that being it is the number of times you beat someone down without getting a battle kill on them. But you do raise a good question: What exactly is this stat intended for? I didn't see any new achievement added that could be attained with this.
  5. Steven Hoover

    Steven Hoover New Member

    OK, so it's the # of times that you've beaten someone down. I had 178, just beat someone down and it went to 179.
  6. Rodney Rangel

    Rodney Rangel Active Member

    why don't they put (severely injured clans)? alot better in the know
  7. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Nope, tried bosses don't count
    Rodney Rangel likes this.
  8. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Ok, explain how i got 12 on with 16 wins when beat down 1 person LOL
  9. haha imagine that! Jade did not know about something LOL
    Kel the Merciful King likes this.
  10. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    If you're fighting someone and you beat them down to the hospital your severely injured stat is +1. Also if you're fighting with someone and you attack them enough to hospitalize yourself, their severely injured stat raises +1. Did this trading fights with someone on Zombies. I think this is the only way to raise that stat. But as there are no achievements associated with this stat as of yet I do believe it is a completely useless statistic. Never have I wondered how many times I, or any other player has severely injured or hospitalized another player lol.
  11. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Punches don't seem to count... I punched someone into hospital and the stat didn't increase :rolleyes:
  12. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    ok prob wrong place to ask is adventures/empire/chalenge/bosses coming out this week in vc plz dont just put umm maybe, or ummm we working on it, just give str8 up answer thx
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    It's for how many players you have put in the Hospital since we released tracking for it. It's not retroactive. Apologies for the confusion, this should have been included in the TGIF of that week.

  14. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    no??? last TGIF u said location in vc coming very soon and u say now its not coming, make up your mind!!!!
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Both of those things can be true. He asked if it was coming this week, the answer is no.
  16. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    lol ok not this week must be next week then
  17. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    very soon is in this week.... next week after its not very soon anymore .......
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We're getting a little off-topic here, but I include those estimations of Location releases in the TGIF because I know they are hotly anticipated by some players and some news is better than no news. However, because of how content scheduling works for our games I can't give exact dates all the time until the release is pending.

    Saying things like "soon" or "to be announced" has no definitive date and should not be taken as such. One person's concept of soon differs from the next, it's just to let people know that it is on our plates being worked towards.

    This is not the first time there has been some misunderstandings around Location releases, so if collectively this information is not being taken on-board as a helpful indicator, I won't be posting any more updates until I am certain when a Location is releasing.

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