It says that changing your daily reward preference will reset your daily rewards. What does it reset to? I am currently on day 202 with 60% stamina as my reward.
I believe if you change it you will lost the 60% it will start at the beginning for whatever you choose, each time you change it, that is my understanding, I always keep it at energy, cause I get 100%, but that has always been my preference, I use to change it once in awhile before this overhaul when they got rid of stacking.
I can switch back and forth between Energy and Stamina and still collect 100% and 60% respectively. It's the random one that causes you to reset.
Well I keep losing my energy boots since I cannot stack, no matter how I try not to, so the only thing left to do is give even less of a crap each and everyday, till I eventually don't bother and the next step is not even do DGP and then stop playing daily. TY kano you are helping me break my addiction one day at a time.
we know have to remember to collect it , when we use to not have to do it daily, we could save them for 7 days , stacking them, there are times I don't need 10 K energy if I am gonna level but have to go to work or to sleep or what have you , so sometimes now I forget I didn't collect it. We have been able to stack them for years, since they implemented the feature, years ago, now all of a sudden they stopped, and will not bring it back.
How much longer do i have to wait for my daily reward to go up. At the moment i am on day 119 with 60% bonus after missing one day in several years and that was down to facebook
not sure of the exact stamina % but it is not 100% but energy is 100%, I imagine Seppo is correct though.