Stacking is not coming back however we made an adjustment a few weeks back that allows you to collect a boost when you are beyond 100% of your max stamina or energy by raising this threshold to 160% Max Stamina and 200% Energy. Basically you can stash 1 day's worth of Stamina/Energy.
As for missing boosts we can certainly look to pop up the collection interface once per day like we do on mobile but we didn't want to make this too intrusive for our established desktop players. But if more than a few of you are forgetting to collect your rewards I think it makes sense to get this in front of players.
I forgot to address this point. You can do this currently when switching between Energy <=> Stamina when on Day X.
For example, I am on Day 8 with a 100% Energy reward.
- I collect my 100% Energy for Day 8
- I change my reward preference to Stamina
- Day 9's reward will be 60% Stamina
Edit: I think we need to fix up the language here to reflect that your rewards are not being "reset" in this case. However switching to "Random" rewards will reset you back to a Day 1 equivalent.
Last edited: Jan 14, 2019