About 6 months ago, Kel, facebook user, suggested an interesting scenerio... Can Kano create a "universal" battlefield for both Myspace and Facebook users to battle. Even though facebook has a much larger playing field, this "universal ranking", makes it a closer match than expected. A "universal" battlefield would definitely bring more blood to the battlefield. Here's a list I created on 1/15/11 (took me 4mins to do it, lol):
Rank/Site Guild/Player Level
1. FB [AGs] Mike Ketil Thorsteinsson 6,062
2. MS [PIMP] Jillian Thyra Johansson 5,167
4. FB [AGs] Bully Thor 4,942
5. FB [AGs] Harry Sigmund 4,727
6. FB [RVV] Kel the Merciful King 4,435
7. MS [PIMP] Thrand Olvir the Soft Fluffy Towel 4,140
8. FB [RVV] Suzie The Merciless Queen 4,110
9. MS The Legend 3,964
10.MS Hail the Aesir and the Vanir 3,898
11.MS [PARA] Fielding vs The Quasimodos 3,891
12.FB [AGs] The Lorelie 3,871
13.FB [RVV] Vanadium Cobalt 3,798
14.FB [RVV] Chip Lock 3,512
15.MS [PARA] Gavin Egil 3,497
16.MS [PARA] Parasurama The BloodAxe Leg 3,497
17.FB [RVV] Dale Eir 3,453
18.FB Thomas Gar 3,400
19.MS [PARA] The Siamese Berzerker Of Odin 3,357
20.FB [WMX] Slouching Towards Bethlehem 3,355
21.FB [LGND] Deb Nike of Somaltrace 3,351
22.MS [PIMP] Death Comes Quick To My Foes 3,341
23.MS [AA2] Luv2show 3,340
24.MS [XXX] Ericmaximus 3,303
25.FB [RVV] ANATHEM 3,237
26.FB The Emperor of Svalbard 3,191
27.FB [WMX] Swiss Toni 3,159
28.FB [DM] deathhead 3,123
29.FB [AGs] John Harold Gilli 3,086
30.FB Blade The Red 3,069
I somehow made it at #24, lol. Kano, any chance of making a "true" universal leaderboard?
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