To fix and make it more interesting. make stamina 100% just like energy.
Put stacking back.
Get rid of of the start over when we swich payout so we will look behind day7 to get 10fp. Witch would be a nice payout.
Change the cost to 1 ,5, 10, 20, (50 for 3500) and you will see a revival of the game. Realize that the big spenders will then put all crate items in. Times how many spots is there total? 500 crates at 105 un and there worth drops with every new set of crates. Remove all your high level kano pro players hell make them all have to start over. And have a penalty of being removed off top players list if they have not played in a month, if they come back put them back after 3 conservative days. Remove if they hit a month again.
Put a link there that shows top players per level like 1000 level top of the list 2000 top of the list 3000 top of the list and so on this will ad a spark to new people if any join instead of going hes level 20,000 wtf i cant ever be on top. Do ya get it.
And fix fighting its fucked. So that total attack and defense adds up to be the winner.
Last edited: Nov 29, 2018